Who benefited from DSers posting on other forums?

Jackie W.
on 12/29/07 11:28 am
I'm here because of: Rockne Val and LeaAnn I know LOTS of people that had RNY.  So that was the route I was going!  I had never heard of DS or really thought there was another surgery.  I learned everything I could about RNY.   So thank you to all the DSr's.  You have welcomed me to your family and taught me a lot!

There are never any problems, only solutions.  quoted by a dear and special friend!!!

My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs    Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small   Bottoms size 2!!!!
UPDATED: 11/11

on 12/29/07 11:45 am - Alpharetta, GA
I was posting (and getting lost because of the massive amount of activity) on the main board when I first got to OH. I went through the intro to WLS that OH had at that time, which talked about different types of surgery.

I posted something on the main board inquiring about it, and a DS'er (specifically Ms Batt - I actually went back to find out who it was several months ago *smoochestoher*) directed me here. I was fortunate enough to be here when the first RNY surgeon started telling me lies.....I *knew* they were lies, but it was good to have backup from people who'd been there.
I've been a resident here ever since.

And yes, I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night. *lol* I've been cooking and cleaning all day, grocery shopping, doing laundry, reading, burning candles & incense, listening to music and generally having a good time home alone. It's rare that I get a night like this, so I reli**** I need to vacuum before the noise curfew starts, then I can move back to quieter activities.

     Six years postop.       All co-morbidities are resolved.  Lost 101lbs in 1st year.   High wt: 277 Surgery wt:  260.7  Currently:  143lbs.    I'm Blackthorne99 on MyFitnessPal.

Click here to read my blog: Unicorns & Stranger Things
on 12/29/07 11:54 am
Me too.  I posted a long rambling questioning post on the Main Board back in July and our Val popped on alerting me to the existence of this board.  Thank you again, Val.  I've always found the 'my surgery's better than your surgery' stuff infantile but the informational stuff in invaluable.

            HW-373 / SW-352 / CW-160 / GW-185                     

on 12/29/07 12:05 pm
Actually, I wasn't headed to any WLS after reading the lap band forum and the RNY forum.  I actually almost cried thinking those were the only to viable options available to me.  I read about the food stuck in stomas, the dumping -that is hideous.  I didn't believe WLS had to be punitive so I stumbled over to the DS forum based on a post from a happy DSer. Thank heavens somebody took the time and effort to come over to the RNY forum and let us pre ops know there was in fact another alternative.  When I first read about the DS I honestly thought..."that's too good to be true."  Well after almost a year of additional research, I am now scheduled for my DS in Feb.  Had it not been for people who have had the DS "playing forward," and not out the door as was suggested here...I wouldn't have any plans for WLS cause I knew the RNY and Lap band were just not for me.  I couldn't live that way for the remainder of my life. I wanted a high quality of life the ability to eat almost anything and I didn't want to gain the weight back.  That's why the DS was my choice.
on 12/29/07 12:06 pm
I learned about it here on OH.  I just can't remember whose post lured me over here with hopes of not dumping, gaging on food stuck in my stoma and so forth.  I wish I could so I could thank them personally for playing it forward. Betty
on 12/29/07 12:17 pm, edited 12/29/07 12:17 pm - Chicago, IL
Starry1st  did it for me, I was on the revision board. Thank you Starry1st!
on 12/29/07 12:19 pm - TN
I credit my being here to this post How did I miss it and  Is it to late?


     Highest weight          Date of Surgery        Last weight in
          489 lbs                         459 lbs                     374 lbs


                         G Man  

on 12/29/07 12:32 pm

I only wish I had. It scares me that I might have ended up with an RNY without knowing about the DS. I ventured over to this forum out of sheer curiosity about who on earth would opt for a DS (which I had been told led to chronic diarhea and odor as well as being extremely dangerous). I expected to find a forum of a very few miserable people who had somehow been duped into some kind of bizarre experimental surgery. Instead, I found a forum full of many happy people who were eating and enjoying food and losing massive amounts of weight. That's when I started researching the DS and learning how mislead I had been. There was such a good chance that I would never have bothered to look any further into the DS based on what I believed to be true. It infuriates me. I was lucky. The thing that makes me most angry is that I had heard of the DS, but wasn't interested in learning any more about it because of all the misinformation that I believed to be true. So for all the people who argue that DSers don't need to bother to spread information because pre-ops can find the DS forum on their own...thanks to all the lies out there, why would they? Sorry, but there need to be corrections made to the lies as well as this forum. And it's too bad that some feel like it's stepping on their toes.  And it never ceases to amaze me that there are people who oppose the spreading of information. Why? Who does it hurt?

HW:303, SW:286, CW:148, GW:150

on 12/29/07 12:40 pm - NE
Me! I lurked on the RNY board for months, and the more I read the more I decided that I couldn't live with pouch rules. It was a post by LeaAnn that brought me over here. Thanks, LeaAnn!!!!!!
on 12/30/07 1:01 am - Huntsville, AL
Oh, hey!  Here's one I didn't know about!  Woo-hoo!  I'll get back over there to the RNY board directly to make more FRIENDS!  hahahahaha!  Welcome SometimesBlonde!