Who benefited from DSers posting on other forums?

(deactivated member)
on 4/19/10 6:54 am

I thought I had posted to this thread before but I can't find the post.

I am one of the people that owe you and others so much I can never repay the debt!!!

on 4/19/10 7:00 am - Houston, TX
Not sure if it was the Main Board or the RNY Board - but someone said they would have gotten the DS if they'd known about it before they got the RNY.  

THAT perked up my ears - and curiosity!!  I had no idea what a "DS" was! LOL!

Over to the DS Board I came....and am sooooo thankful I did!

My DS surgery is May 26th!!!

Thanks to all of you who keep on 'paying it forward'!!


“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” - Plato
Stormy 918 is my Angel         Angel to DarcyMad, MizCharlottekmg9122,  Staceeann dianeys73/Diane Davis
HW 258.5 /SW 250 /GW 140 /CW 125







P. Poster
on 4/19/10 8:26 am
ME! I had never heard of the DS before I came to OH. I was on the main board and asked a random question about my eating habits. I was given few replies, but one of them was to look into all my options, including the DS. I started researching it that night and never looked back. It is by far the only option I know full and well that will work for me. I am so grateful that someone took the time to reply to my first post here to educate me about my options. I know my life will never be the same thanks to them
on 4/19/10 10:11 am - Jonesboro, AR
Could have sworn I posted in the thread. I have a shiny new DS thanks to Ms. Diana Cox and a surgery war on the main board. I was planning to get the RnY as I didn't know of anything else besides the LapBand and some older 'stomach stapling' surgeries that were boo scary. I sat back and watched the fur fly and became more and more interested. I had to wait for open enrollment on my husband's insurance anyway, so took that time to learn everything I could. I read dsfacts.com & every other recommended site multiple times, I read old posts, I lurked, I asked questions and I did a large amount of processing. Then I made my decision - the most important one ever, I think. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, everyone who was patient enough to answer my questions, listen to me ***** and engage in Surgery Wars. It has made all the difference in the world to me.

on 4/19/10 10:21 am - FL
It was on the main board where I first learned of the DS.  My then-doctor never bothered to mention it and I was planning to have RNY.  Thank heaven I wised up and educated myself about the DS!  I will be forever grateful to the OH site and to the Orlando DS support group for showing me the way!  Love you guys! 

Move on over--I will be joining you on the bench in July.
on 4/19/10 2:33 pm - New Castle, PA
I coulda sworn I did this once already, but I don't see myself so I'll do another shout-out for the pay-it-forward, get the name out there, DS pushin surgery wars. Without them, and Diana Cox, Lori Black, Val G., LeaAnn, and a few others I'd be sitting here with an RNY and not be lovin life the way I am right now. Those surgery wars caught my attention and I am thankful everyday for that.
 Best Wishes,


Entered Onederland 01-03-2010
Century Club  01-29-2010
Goal    06-29-2010
on 2/9/11 10:00 am - Franklin, WI
  I found out about OH because I made a post (about 2 weeks before my scheduled RNY surgery) complaining about how I couldn't have NASIDS after surgery. I was so mad that after the RNY, I would not be able to take  NSAIDS. I'm 25 years old!!! What if I get arthritis?? Or what about my TERRIBLE menstral pain???  I'm SOOOOOO glad ppl paid it forward to me, because gosh darn it! I need my NSAIDS, I have the most horrible period cramps in the friggin world (I had a cyst and ovary removed-uhm which since has grown back but thats another story-back in 07) and I need NSAIDS. During my TOM I take 200mg of Ibuprofen (with food)  a day and it MAJORLY helps with cramps. I could NOTTTT live with the RNY!!!
5'10"  268 lbs gone!!
                     SW  CW  GW   

                                         Duodenal Switch                                      
                                   Surgery Date: July 30, 2010                      
on 2/10/11 1:26 am, edited 2/10/11 1:26 am - Macon, GA
Count me in... I had been going to a local support group (made up of mostly RnYers') and had DEFINATELY made up my mind to have the RnY. 

I was lurking on the main board and saw a post by LaShelle that totally changed my mind and because of her opening my eyes I think I got the best surgery for me.  I no longer have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or sleep apnea.  This surgery saved my life.


Highest 330,    Surgery 297,     Goal 140.     Current 130
First Dr visit - 330 -
BMI 58.4,    Surgery - 297  BMI 52.6
01/24/2011 - 196 BMI 34.7 (ONEderland YEAH!!!),                 ...GeorgiaPink
08/10/2011 Reached GOAL Baby! 140 BMI 24.0                           is my Angel.
- 139 BMI 23.8 One Year Anniversary 
(deactivated member)
on 2/10/11 1:44 am, edited 1/27/12 3:24 am
Larissa P.
on 2/10/11 1:44 am - Denton, TX
I first spent my time at OH on the Texas forum, looking for information on RNY. There would be talk about those..."troublemakers" with the "other surgery" on the main board and I "wisely" steered clear so I wouldn't be tainted.

Then, I went to a seminar with Dr Stewart in Denton, TX *****commends DS as the best WLS and gave me pause for thought...and I dared venture into the DS Zone.

And have been so damn grateful ever since! Now, even without Dr Stewart, my curiosity about what the fuss is all about would have eventually got to me. If it weren't for the "fuss" DSers make in trying to spread the word, I may have never even known the surgery existed!
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
Click! > DS Documents ~ VitaLady.com ~ DSFacts.com ~ OH DS FB