Upcoming DS Surgeries!
Hi Margie, I checked the ds site and it was helpful...but could not find the answers I need...maybe someone would be kind enough to make a suggestion...I had my ds in bowling green w/ dr. hess i***** Did fine and stayed at 155# for long time and labs were o.k. Continued to do pretty well with my vites etc. But in the past year my bone density has gotten to -2.8 (osteoporosis). My family dr. is not real familiar with ds, but ordered other labs. Well my parathyroid is 120 --way too high which indicates really low vit.d. , which is less than 7. A metabolic specialist has put me on vit.d tabs, which i do not think i can absorb...when i suggested vit. d injections, she said she wanted to try this first. They are also thinking fosamax or one of those drugs for the osteo, but i remeber reading somewhere that we cannot absorb those either. I am concerned about treatment for osteo as well as low ferritin (6.6)...but need to find an MD who know what we can tolerate and what we cannot....sorry this is sooooo long! Wish Dr. Hess was still practicing!
Hi Margie, I am new to the Oh site (or any wls ones) and have started checking around to find the answers i need since the dr's are not too knowledgeable about ds and the limited absorption etc. When I had my ds 14 years ago, i was told to take a multi and a&d. No dosages were given. Since i live 3 hours away from bowling green (where Dr. Hess had his practice), I could not get back for checkups and meetings. I had no idea there were meetings everywhere--or sites like this to talk to others. Now at 58, I guess i've lived a charmed life, no problems with ds and certainly not taking the current required vites. My pcp's thru these years have been nice, but not too aware of this surgery. We have done yearly labs--and things have been o.****il this parathyroid thing flared up. I realize this and the osteo are the result of long term neglect....so i am trying to find the correct vit d (injectable?), calcium(also injectable?) and iron. I think I may need the infusions to get levels back up---and then go on regime of regular vites. Do not know the litlady...would she be able to help me? Thanks so much for your help! Again, i'm sorry this is so long! Should I move my inquiries to another area on OH site?(more appropriate?) thanks! Marilyn
1 vit A 10,000 IUEarly AM atleast one hour b4 I eat anything : Vitamin C and Iron
Breakfast: 1 vit A 10,000 IU
1- B Complex
1- Vitamin E 400 IU 50,000 mg vit D
500- 630 mg calcium
2 Multi 200 mg Zinc 4 mg copper 200 mcg vit K Lunch: 500-630 mg calcium
Evening: repeat breakfast :
1- B Complex
1- Vitamin E 400 IU 50,000 mg vit D
500- 630 mg calcium
2 Multi 200 mg Zinc 4 mg copper 200 mcg vit K
Bed Time:
500 - 630 mg calcium
Hi Margie, Have emailed vitalady, but have not heard anything yet....also tried Dr Lane's office and left message. I sure wouldn't mind driving 3 hours to see him , if it meant getting some reliable advice. Are all of your breakfast vites special bariatric ones? I have used Metagenics brand vites , as they are geared to malabsorptive issues. Have also tried the Vista Vites multi packs....is there a special brand you like? thanks...marilyn
You can find my daily vitamin regime on my profile. Click on my name.
Blood work to be tested for:
cmp, cbc, vitamin a, d, e, iron tibc, protime, pth w/out Ca, b12
Ohio doctors...start a new thread on the board and people will answer you. You can also do a surgeon search on duodenalswitch.com
Minus 202 pounds; Height=5'10.5; Plastic Surgery = arms; Pant: 24 to 4/6; Top 3x to sm/med, I
My DS! .