survey for postop about DS life

Elizabeth N.
on 9/25/07 2:11 pm - Burlington County, NJ
1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool? Nope, never. Well, sometimes a little loose, but nothing remarkable. 2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day? Nope, generally it's once a day or every other day. If I get backed up and don't go for three or four days, then when things get moving I have a "catchup" day with three or four sittings. Very similar to preop, actually, in that regard. 3. do you pass gas all day long? Only if I've eaten an evil offender like a scone. It starts 8 or so hours after eating the evil offender and lasts up to twelve hours. Otherwise it's a couple blats per day just like every other human being. 4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence? Nope. If it's a major gassy time, I'll use room freshener or light a candle. Ditto after being on the can....just like I did preop. Doesn't everyone have a can of air freshener and/or a candle on the back of every toilet in their home?  5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS? I can smell a difference compared to preop, but it is not noticable, much less offensive, to anyone else. My husband thinks I'm weird when I ask him if he notices anything different in that regard, and he has a VERY fine sense of smell. 6. do you suffer from pain or bloating? If I get backed up for two or three days, I get uncomfortable, but that's easily remedied. 7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot? Yeah, I've lost a lot of hair. Started maybe three months out and kept pretty steady up until recently, when it seems to have FINALLY started to ease off. At the same time, I'm having good regrowth, including in areas where I had bad thinning (medication related for the most part) before surgery. 8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food? I've become lactose intolerant, easily covered with Lactaid pills before consuming fresh dairy foods. Potatoes, pasta, asparagus and fresh pork are thus far still off the menu for me. Oh, and I have to take the "strings" off celery stalks. A few foods don't cause me any distress but pass through largely undigested. Certain fast acting carbs and a few other miscellaneous things give me antisocial gas, so I make a point of avoiding those foods if I'm going to be somewhere that it will be bothersome to fart. No biggie, I did that preop too, just with different foods. (Now that is weird; different foods are gassy postop than preop. *shrug*) 9. do  you wear diapers? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Oh how I wish someone could put this tired old urban legend out of its misery. The answer is OF COURSE NOT. 10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS? Nope, my innards are behaving nicely and functioning great. 11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink? Cheese of some description. 12. what are things you are able to eat? Anything except pasta, potatoes, asparagus or fresh pork. I may yet try something that disagrees with me, but in almost ten months of experimenting I've done just fine. 13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food? See question 8. 14. how much protein are you required to take? 100 grams or so daily, which equates to just over three ounces. It's a nonissue now and has been for a couple of months. I just make sure I get 30 grams minimum at each meal and one or two snacks of a minimum of ten grams each. Easiest "diet" I've ever had to do, since I'm a happy meat eater. 15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake? Cheese, eggs, fish, beef, Greek style yogurt, deli meats, peanut butter, almonds, beef jerky, etc. 16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis? A double dose of adult multi, zinc, potassium, folic acid, Allergy A&D, dry beta carotene, biotin and loads of calcium citrate. 17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals? Of course, that's the definition of a meal, eating and drinking :-). 18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today? Hmmm. Typical would be: breakfast--three slices of provolone cheese broiled on a low-carb sandwich wrap (like a pizza, sort of), water, tea or Diet Coke for caffeine source; lunch--a crab cake from Bobby Chez if I'm out and about, sometimes some bruschetta salad from there too; snack--two pieces of string cheese; dinner--some version of meat and veggies and a starch, usually rice or a dessert item; snack--varies a lot. 19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery? Well, I've had a second menopause due to the hormonal changes and that hasn't been fun. It seems to be evening out now though. I see life very differently, because I went from waiting to die to enjoying life again. 20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life? Taken from my most recent blog entry: **off all diabetes medication--last HgA1c was 5.2 **oxgen use reduced from 4 liters 24/7 to 2 liters at night  **off cholesterol medication--last cholesterol 163, down from the 220's, with HDL and LDL both well within normal limits **down to 40 mg Lasix daily from 120mg **had BiPAP turned down three times, from 20/16 (highest possible pressure on a home-use device; the next step was going to be to get a hospital-type unit in our home) to 13/5, and a further reduction scheduled as soon as I can get to the respiratory therapist **early-onset diabetic retinopathy is GONE **stress incontinence is gone **musculo-skeletal pain significantly reduced **off all pain medications (except for an occasional Advil when I've overexerted myself) **able to walk freely, including climbing stairs most of the time **able to wear "normal" shoes, not needing to accomodate swollen feet and legs **can't remember the last time I needed to use a rescue inhaler **stopped taking both Advair and Singulair for breathing problems Bottom line: I was dying and the DS gave me back my life. It's that simple.
on 9/25/07 2:14 pm - Muskogee, OK
Hi there Prettydove, I have read a lot of threads on OH  but most of the time if there really long I get bored reading them.  NOT THIS ONE!!!!! CAN THIS BECOME  A STICKY POST????   this was a great, fun and educational  post.  THANKS TO ALL FOR BEING SO HONEST!!!! so many of my preop questions were answered. I cant wait to be Switched 
"I haven't failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that don't work" ~Thomas Edison

on 9/25/07 2:18 pm - Schenectady, NY
1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool? no... excess fatty foods will make me "looser" but I don't regularly have "watery" issues. 2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day? no.... usually 2 in the morning... sometimes once in the evening depending on what (or how much) I have eaten that day. 3. do you pass gas all day long? all day? no... on days (sometimes when I'm on the road) when I have a bagel for breakfast or morning snack, I'll have farts for a couple hours in the late afternoon. 4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence? farts?  the only time they linger AROUND me (not ON me) is if I'm in the van (I drive a lot for work).... bowel movements will sometimes linger in the bathroom for a few minutes... but either way, whatever smell there is DOESN'T follow me around. 5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS? Not anymore... for about 4-6 weeks around month 2, I had the typical "ketosis" smell, but it's gone now that my weight loss has slowed/stopped.... though with my extra vitamin supplementation, my PEE smells a bit sometimes. 6. do you suffer from pain or bloating? Occasionally I'll have DISCOMFORT depending on what I eat... I get moving gas bubbles, but they don't move out... they move back and forth for a while, and then dissipate... When it happens it's uncomfortable, but not debilitating. 7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot? Alot?  not compared to some I've seen (of any procedure).... but of course, for me, a guy in his late 30s, ANY hair loss is too much.  It has stopped now, and seems to be slowly coming back though 8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food? None so far... though some foods I can eat MORE of than others. 9. do  you wear diapers? No... and as of about 6 weeks ago, neither does my son 10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS? No... well, I have a possible hernia (consult on Thurs) but I wouldn't say that's a DS complication 11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink? Coffee (gotta have it, several cups a day), eggs, Pepsi One (usually 1-2 a day) 12. what are things you are able to eat? ABLE to?? whatever I want, though I find myself eating much healthier for the most part compared to my preop days. 13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food? Isn't this the same as # 8?  I refer you to that for my answer. 14. how much protein are you required to take? REQUIRED?  I don't remember what (or if) my surgeon said... I think he might just be judging by my perfect labs that whatever I'm doing, I'm doing right.  Personally, I shoot for 120-130 a day, though some days that's tough... I NEVER go below 100 15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake? Eggs, Cheese, yogurt, steak, shrimp, tuna, salmon... and once in a blue moon (for a treat) I'll have a Bolthoue Farms "Perfectly Protein Mocha Cappuccino" 16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis? morning: 1 dose multivitamin, 1 dose calcium citrate, 1 dose biotin evening: 1 dose multivitamin, 1 dose calcium citrate, 1 dose B-150 17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals? yes, I always eat with my meal... don't you? LOL yes, I drink with my food 18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today? B- 3 eggs, 3 strips bacon, 1 piece wheat toast w/butter, glass OJ, 2 cups coffee. S- one home baked oatmeal rasin cookie, 2 cheese sticks L- 1 can tuna w/mayo, small salad (mostly iceberg lettuce w/ some green onions), 1 can Pepsi One S- couple handfuls of ****tail peanuts. D- 2 grilled chicken drumsticks (with skin), some long grain & wild rice, small salad, can of Pepsi One. S- 2 scoops NSA vanilla ice cream 19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery? I try to take (as much as possible) things less seriously than before... just to enjoy life as best I can... and I spend a LOT more time with my boy now, which I LOVE 20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life? Though there is no cure for arthritis, and there's no reversing the damage already done by it, I have ZERO pain or complications in my knee anymore, allowing me to walk 5-6 miles without rest.  My diabetes is gone (every A1C since surgery has been well below 6), my liver enzymes are now at the low end of the normal range, and staying steady... preop they were quite elevated, with confirmed fatty liver/nodules/enlarged liver.  My singing voice has become clearer, and my range has increased by 1/3 to 1/2 octave (an AWESOME feat)

Pre: 324 Now: 185-190

on 9/25/07 2:59 pm, edited 9/25/07 2:59 pm - Lafayette, IN
1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool?  No 2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day?  No, once, sometimes twice 3. do you pass gas all day long?  No 4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence?   No 5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS?  No 6. do you suffer from pain or bloating?  No 7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot?  Somewhat, but that's my fault for not being faithful with my vitamins.  But I am now! :) 8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food?Just with bread, but I'm only 4 months out 9. do  you wear diapers?  Not hardly 10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS?  No 11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink?  Peanuts 12. what are things you are able to eat?  Pretty much everything but soft bread 13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food?  Bread, for now 14. how much protein are you required to take?  80 g 15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake?  Beef, nuts 16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis?  Prenatal vitamin, calcium. biotin 17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals?  Yes 18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today?  Today so far I've had pot roast with potatoes and carrots 19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery?  I'm happier! 20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life?  Food portion control, more confidence, I look forward to the future rather than dread it, high blood pressure and diabetes is GONE, PCOS cured, more energy!

My DS!  I've lost 275 lbs so far!!

Lori Black
on 9/25/07 3:30 pm - , IN
1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool?   ONLY if I eat milk or milk based products and forget to take my Lactaid pills.  I'm lactose intolerant, but from what I understand so are many RNYers. 2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day? I have but it is not the usual by any means.  I am done pooping within a half of an hour of waking. 3. do you pass gas all day long? I maybe have farted 10 times since I had my surgery in early July.  Much less as a post op for me. 4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence? I use a neutralizing spray, so there's no chance for the smell to linger.    5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS? No way! 6. do you suffer from pain or bloating? Never! 7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot? None yet. 8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food? Not yet. 9. do  you wear diapers? The only diapers in my house are for my toddler. 10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS? None 11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink? I guess my favorite Banana Scream Protein drink 12. what are things you are able to eat? anything.  All foods I'm eating are working well. 13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food? NO! 14. how much protein are you required to take? 75-100 grams a day 15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake? Mostly I get my protein from real food, sometimes I supplement with a protein drink or bar. 16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis? Calcium, Multivitamin + ADEK's, B-12, B-1, Protonix 17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals? YES!!!  I love that I can still eat with my meals! 18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today? Check out the what did you eat today thread. 19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery? Yes, my perceptions about food have changed.  I lived to eat before, where now I eat to live. 20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life? I feel like a real person again, not an inflated version of myself.  I'm happy to wake up each morning and know that I'm going to continue losing the weight because my DS will not fail me.  Having that confidence makes my life a happier existence for myself and my family.
on 9/25/07 3:57 pm, edited 9/25/07 4:29 pm - New York, NY

1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool?  Only when I eat junk.  Almost never otherwise.

2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day?  Sometimes.  Generally, tho, it's once in the AM and twice in the PM.

3. do you pass gas all day long?  Nope.  Once or twice a day unless I eat junk then all bets are off.

4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence? No.  A couple of minutes, tho, and I do need to use spray or perfume as it is pungent.

5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS?  No.

6. do you suffer from pain or bloating?  No.

7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot?  No.  At 4 mos. out I began losing hair.  It continued for the first year or so but was never noticeable to anyone but my hairbrush.

8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food?  No.  Through the first year I had problems when I ate hotdogs or tomato sauce.  But now, nothing.

9. do  you wear diapers? No, I do carry an extra pair of panties just in case I'd ever have an accident, tho.

10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS?  My PTH is too high and hasn't gone down.  I'm currently under the care of an endocrinologist.

11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink?  I drink Crystal Light every day.

12. what are things you are able to eat?  Pretty much anything I want.  I just eat much smaller quantities than I did preop.  For example, I only eat 1/2 sandwich for a meal and I can't finish that in one sitting without feeling discomfort.  I don't eat much junk (once a week or so) and am obsessively careful about getting enough protein and vits/mineral supplements.

13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food?  No.

14. how much protein are you required to take?  80-120 grams per day.

15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake?  Meat, tuna fish, chicken, protein shakes/shots, cheese, nuts.

16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis?  

Varying doses of:

Centrum multi-vitamins Calcium Citrate Zinc Vitamin A Vitamin D Poly-Iron 150 Forte Cap 17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals?  Yes, but I drink very little during meals so I have enough room for protein.  I mostly drink after meals.

18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today?  Breakfast:  2 slices no fat Am. cheese.   Lunch:  3 egg omelette with ham.   Dinner:  2 turkey burgers w/no fat cheese and catsup.  Snacks:  nuts, cheese, peach, sf candy, sf fudicles, potato chips/pretzels. 19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery?  Same basic personality, just much more confident and willing to put myself out there.

20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life?  New job, more friends, more confidence.  Cholesterol was very high and is now very low.  Have had several operations to rebuild ankles and shoulder.  Now, no pain in any joints and no pain in back.  Preop I walked bent over due to severe back pain.



Duodenal Switch/Lap -- Drs. Alfons Pomp & Michel Gagner - New York City

4/4/05: 265 lbs/BMI: 45.6

4/11/05: 256 lbs/BMI: 43.9 (date of surgery)

7/27/08: Gallbladder Removed


on 9/25/07 11:02 pm

1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool?   NO

2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day? NO - 2-3 times in morning.  Sometimes once in evening.

3. do you pass gas all day long? Only if I eat a lot of white flour, rice, etc.

4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence?  The morning bms are strong, so I burn a candle or spray deodorizer.

5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS? In the first few weeks, I think I did.  I would not wear my clothes more than once without washing.  Now, that is not an issue.

6. do you suffer from pain or bloating?  I did once.  It was when I tried a new green tea blend that has rice in it.  I have not had the problem again.

7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot?  I did from month 3-6.  My hair is coming back now, but I don't think it is as thick as before.

8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food?  Yes, I can eat a little rich ice cream, but very much gives me a gurgling stomach.

9. do  you wear diapers?  Only when I was less than three years old and that was quite a long time ago.

10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS?  No, I used to have some problems with constipation, but have only had it once since the DS.  I also used to have constant, terrible heartburn.  That is gone and I am not taking Nexium anymore.

11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink?  I drink lots of water and coffee.  I know, BAD me. 

12. what are things you are able to eat?  I can eat anything in moderation.

13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food?  I am somewhat lactose intolerant now (was not before), so I limit milk and ice cream.  Other products, such as cheese, do not bother me.

14. how much protein are you required to take?  I try to consume about 100 grams of protein daily.

15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake?  Eggs, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, meats, beef sticks, yogurt.  Sometimes, I will have a protein drink or bar, if I know it will be hard to get enough in by food.

16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis?  Vita4Life, Calcium, Dry A&D, and iron.

17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals?  Yes.

18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today? B- peanut butter on toast, Snack - cheese  stick or nuts, L- chicken nuggets, cottage cheese with fruit, Snack - Val's trail mix, D - grilled hamburger with cheese, salad with Blue Cheese, Snack - beef stick.

19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery?  No, I am the same wonderful person I was before.

20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life?  I have the energy to do more now.  I feel great, not tired all the time.

SW: 236.5 CW: 116 GW: 120-130





on 9/26/07 2:02 am - KS
13 months pos-op and down 200 lbs 1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool?  Nope.. unless I have been out drinking beer all night then I might have a little dhr in the morning. but it was like that post-op, duhh... 2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day?Nope... unless I have been out drinking all 3. do you pass gas all day long?Nope.. See answers 1-2 4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence? Nope.. but they could linger around the house or bathroom that long if I didn't use the exhaust fan or air freshener.   FYI.. **** stinks, whether you have had wls or not. I bet even RNY **** stinks too. 5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS?Yes.. My wife says I smell better after losing 200 lbs than I did when I weighed 450 lbs. 6. do you suffer from pain or bloating? Nope.. Well maybe if I eat too many Oreos at one sitting 7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot? Nope.. I still have all my hair 8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food? Nope.. there are some foods I don't like anymore, but they do not make me sick. 9. do  you wear diapers?  Not since I was 2 years old  10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS? Not unless you consider looking like a Shar Pei dog, a complication. Hoping to have lower body lift next year 11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink?  Milk, Eggs, Cheese and Pork 12. what are things you are able to eat?  Anything I want, with No Fear of Dumping 13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food?  No 14. how much protein are you required to take? I was never givin a requirement but I do get in 100+ grams a day 15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake?  Milk.. I usually drink a minimum of 30 oz a day 16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis? I take a multi vitamin in the morning and an iron supplement in the evening.. That's it. 17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals?   Yes.. Thank God I can have Pizza and Beer at the same time or Beer and Steak or Wine and Pasta etc.. etc... 18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today?  B1- 24 oz glass of milk and a handfull or two of my sons Fruit Loops B2- Sausage/Bacon, Egg and Cheese, Bagel/Biscuit/Croisant/Toaster. Coffee and a Lg Ice Tea  L- Sweet and Sour Pork, 2 Egg Rolls, and a fortune cookie D- Beef Stroganoff on whole wheat egg noodles, mixed veggies and some cucumbers and onions. Dessert- Jello no bake Oreo Cream Pie S- More Milk 19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery? I still have the same personality, sometimes I am an a$$hole and sometimes I am not. Depends on who I am dealing with 20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life? Well... With my health, I no longer have high blood pressure and am no longer type 2 diabetic. With my Life it has made a huge differance. I am able to run and play with my 20 month old son and will be able to play with him and the twin boys we have on the way.  I am able to fit in a booth at a restaurant, I can ride the rides at the amusement park, I can walk around the park or festival or anything else that requires walking long distance. I was able to have a knee replacement done that has needed to be done for a long time. I can wear normal size clothes, I am not afraid of folding chairs anymore. I can get up and down from the floor with out  any assistance from anyone or anything.    SEX... is Way Better 

 "Well son, since you don't have any respect for your elders, it's time somebody taught you some respect for your betters!"     John Wayne   
Click the image to Copy the code, then just paste it in a forum thread


* Nicole *
on 9/26/07 2:50 am
Ok Im gonna try to answer this again. Busy moring here at the shop, got broke into last night. All that was taken was the cash, but man they messed some stuff up bad! 1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool? NO 2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day?Once to 2 times tops 3. do you pass gas all day long?Once again NO 4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence? Once again NO. It stinks, but no lingering type odor 5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS? I actually have NO odor now because of the DS. Pre-op was different all the excess fat and **** makes hygein harder etc 6. do you suffer from pain or bloating? ONLY and ONLY if I have been a carb hound for a FEW DAYS. Not just one or two. So OBVIOUSLY it is controlled by how I eat. 7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot? Yes, but it WAS NOT from my DS. 8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food? Yup Pork.....oh wait had that intolerance Pre-Op too. 9. do  you wear diapers? When I was a baby, oh wait you mean post-op how about NOT! 10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS? Yes, but was found unrelated to my DS. 11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink? This varies dependsing on what I want. 12. what are things you are able to eat?Everything except pork like I said 13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food? Once again pork 14. how much protein are you required to take?90-100 grams. But I shoot for 150-200 because of the amount of muscle I have 15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake? Red meat, you know REAL protien, I dont supplement 16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis?2 multi, 2 A&D, 1 B complex (by my choice not surgeon), 2 Extra strength Biotin 17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals?Yup of course 18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today?Today I haven't been so good to much going on. Its been 3 slices of leftover pizza for the day, sprite, water, all my vites, so guess I aint that bad 19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery?Yup cause now my brain and my body finally match with each other. I felt so fake before, cause I never could do what really drove me foreward, was never taken seriously as a fat girl. This has changed my life for the better. I was sick of always putting on a show before! 20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life? Well Im going to live past 30 years old now, I am able to do everything I love and everything I wanted to do, finally let me find the right guy for me and not worry about my does make a difference in some ways especially when it comes to what I WANT! My heath has never been better. I love my life now, I never dreamed of being able to feel this good!

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

Isha F.
on 9/26/07 4:24 am
1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool?   No.  It is softer than pre-op tho. 2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day?  No.  1-2 times a day, usually in the morning. 3. do you pass gas all day long?  Not even remotely.  Sometimes I fart while I am pooping!  I have had one fart "sneak" out of me in 2 1/2 years. 4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence? Never. 5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS?  Never. 6. do you suffer from pain or bloating?  When I have my period.  Not from my DS. 7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot?  I had some hair loss. 8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food?  Baked beans early pre-op.  That's it. 9. do  you wear diapers?   NEVER!  I have never even had a stain from my DS. 10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS?  No, my tummy is noisey sometimes after I eat. 11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink?  I have a low carb slim fast every morning to get 20 grams of protien right off the bat. 12. what are things you are able to eat?  Absolutely everyting. 13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food?  No. 14. how much protein are you required to take?  I shoot for 80-100 grams a day.  It is super easy for me. 15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake?  Cheese, milk, jerky, nuts, meat. 16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis?  2 Multi's, 3 Citracal + D, 1 50,000 i.u. of D. 17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals?  Always. 18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today?  Low Carb Slim Fast, Cheese Sticks, Nuts, Turkey & Cheese, some kind of goodie, meat & veggie type dinner. 19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery?  No, not at al.  I am exactly the same,  just a smaller pacakge. 20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life?  I can do so much more weighing 200 pounds less.  I enjoy my life more now & I can move easier.  I don't worry about food like I used to.  I just eat normal & maintain my weight.  The DS is such a blessing in my life.

Isha - I lost 235 pounds EATING NORMAL!  Saavy? Click on my name to find out why I chose the Duodenal Switch Surgery instead. 

isha.jpg picture by leaannjohnson
 Captain Hook: [to Wendy] Didst thou ever want to be a pirate? 


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