survey for postop about DS life
Great minds discuss ideas.
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DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Minus 202 pounds; Height=5'10.5; Plastic Surgery = arms; Pant: 24 to 4/6; Top 3x to sm/med, I
My DS! .
1. do you have diarrhea or loose watery stool? NO
2. do you go 4-6 times even more a day?NO, just once usually.
3. do you pass gas all day long? NO, I have less gas than I did pre-op.
4. is your fart or bowel movement so offensive that it lingers on you 5 mins AFTER occurence? NO, it actually smells less!
5. do you have body odor that is due to having DS? NO
6. do you suffer from pain or bloating? NO
7. do you have hair loss that was consider alot? NO
8. do you have intolerance or get sick eating any type of food? NO
9. do you wear diapers? NO! And I haven't since I was 18 months old! (I checked with my mom)
10. do you have any intestinal problems or other complications since having DS? NO, as a matter of fact, I asked Dr. S if he had actually rearranged my innards!
11. what is one thing you have daily to eat or drink? Protein, and water!
12. what are things you are able to eat? I can eat anything I could before -- I've had cake, icecream, brownies, bacon cheeseburgers, pizza, mexican, etc. with no problems.
13. is there anything you are unable to eat or tolerate regarding food? NO
14. how much protein are you required to take? 80-90 gms
15. what are some things you take/eat to get in your daily protein intake? Beef, chicken, fish, shrimp, etc, beans, sometimes a protein drink.
16. what vitamins and supplement do you take on a daily basis? 2 SourceCF multis w/ADEK, 1200 calcium, iron.
17. are you able to eat and drink with your meals? YES, all the time!
18. what is a typical menu for a day or post what you ate yesterday/today? I don't have one, a eat a wide variety of whatever I want each day.
19. has your personality or preceptions of things changed since you had surgery? Ummm, no?
20. what are some things you can say that having DS helped you with your health and life? My blood work is all normal after only 8 weeks. My arthritis feels better. I am satisfied with a normal portion of food/treats/etc. I am a satisfied customer, Praise the LARD! Amen and Awomen!

Surgery Date 10/21/05 Dr. Anthone
Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire!