How Long Was YOUR Longest Stall?

Hey Cute Girl! I am still pre-op, but I wanted to tell you something about my body that seems similar to yours. When I was younger and on my diets. I would always start out about 320, that was my panic number. Anyway, I ALWAYS stalled at 230. It was like a magic number and my body would just stop. I had a 4 week stall on a 600 calorie liquid diet with no cheating! I am about 5'4 1/2". Needless to say this made me crazy! This is the upside. When the stall finally does break, and it will. It seemed every pound I lost I could see. I dropped sizes so quickly that I did not have the time to shop to keep up. I know when I first start on a diet I can't see any change for about 50 lbs, and that is HARD. But you are at that magic weight where you will really see and feel EACH pound and inch you loose from now on. Hang in there! You are so incredibly beautiful! You have done sooooooo terrific! I am going to try to be just like you !!! Love and Hugs Paula

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