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Oh, I'm so jealous!
I heard Dr. Saunders was very good. I believe PMRI is having a seminar in March about plastic surgery and Dr. Danyo is the speaker. I'm going to try to attend.
Please let us know how you make out with your appointment. I so want a tummy tuck, arm lift and would like to put the "girls" back where they used to be. lol
Good luck!
~Believe in Yourself~
Quick question........ i signed up for the challenge and when i go to submit my weight loss it wont let me load my weight loss in for the week. its saying my numbers are invalid for week 1... anyone else having this problem that signed up???
can anyone help??
Well i put in a call to the office! (hehe)
And Misty told me to put
surgery type
DR.NAme and Phone.
so thats what i put... was is ASA???
I got Tina Fisher (from PMRI) to help me out with my wording. Here's what she suggested (and I did)...
First Line: Gastic Band No ASA
Second Line: No NSAID, No NGT
Third Line: Dr. Peters (302) 892-9900
I think I probably should have put my name on it, too, in case I'm caught without my license in an emergency situation.
The No ASA is No Aspirin.
The No NSAID is No NSAIDs, like Motrin, Aleve, etc. (from what I understand).
The No NGT is No Nasal Gastric Tubes.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
See ya soon,
Im in the process of ordering a medical bracelet.... I just need to know excatly what to put on it!
i saw a example of one...
that stated no tubes and NO SIAD? ( or something like that)
Can you give me some pointers so i know excatly what to order...
thanks so much
Mandy =)