When you use your credit or debit card are you asked to show ID?
In the last year, I have noticed stores asking me to show ID when I choose to use my debit card as a Visa. I think this is strange considering my cards are signed. What has been your experience?
Renay :0)
Lap-Band - 5/11/06
Dr. Gail Wynn - CHRiAS
"When you step to the ledge of all the
light you have left, and you take that
first step into the darkness of the
unknown, you [must] believe one of
two things will happen. There will be
something solid for you step upon, or
you will learn how to fly."
~ Author Unknown
I'm thankful they are asking more and more for ID. I mean really - because it's signed if someone slips my wallet and uses my card before I can report it, and they don't ask for ID - then the bank is out the money - and so am I until my claim is settled. I've been mugged twice....it's a nuisance and more-so when stores don't ID users.
Just my 2 cents
What happens is they ask, "Credit or Debit?" I usually say credit because the charge will go to them instead of to me. (If debit is used the account holder is charged.)
Anyway, I've noticed that all over, malls, grocery stores, anywhere, clerks are more likely to ask for ID when using the card. It just seems strange to me, so yesterday I asked, "Are you asking because of identity theft problems?" The man at GNC at the Concord Mall said, "No, that's just MY policy." I just think its odd, and it makes me feel like some kind of theif.
I'm asking others about it because I'm trying to see if this is going with other people in other areas of the country. This is not the holiday season, and when using Visa, they are protected.
Just checking,
I don't have ANY of my credit cards or debit card signed. I have it annotated "check photo ID". There are many times the clerks DON'T ask for ID even though I haven't signed my card - that is scary. When I get a clerk that asks for my ID, I always thank them for asking!
Identity theft is big business! A friend of mine had her American Express number used (without possession of the card) and they ran up a huge balance. It took her a long time to get it straightened out.
Better to be safe - and don't feel like a criminal when they ask you! It's for your protection!
Having had my purse stolen once on vacation, I am glad when vendor's ask for a picture ID. I usually thank them for double checking. Fortunetly I only lost about $20 bucks. The credit cards were cancelled within a half hour so when the thief tried to use them they couldn't and tossed the purse away. Someone found it and mailed it back to me intact minus the cash. They couldn't even cash the traverler's checks. HaHa. I imagine if they don't check they could get stuck with the charges. I usually use credit instead of debit if I can. Vendors pay a small % to process the charges.
I was glad to get my new driver's license photo too. The old one just didn't look anything like the new me. The girls at the airport cracked up and were showing each other me and my picture and couldn't believe it was the same person. Thank God I had my passport with new pictures on it so they let me on the plane. They made my day.
Hope this helps. Elissa