Ouch! My toe is killing me.
Well, one week after surgery, and after a week and a half of living on protein drinks, I have a very painful flare up of my gout. This attacks my big toe and the pain is really bad. I'm sure the change in my diet has triggered this. I haven't had an attack in years and thought that I was over it, but no, it is back.
I went to see my PCP and he said that because of my surgery the treatment options are limited. He has me taking high doses of ibuproben and has given me prvicid to protect my stomache. I know I can't be on this medicine so hopefully this will pass quickly. Has anyone else had an attack of gout right after surgery?
Hi Scott, I had an attack of gout last October, because I am not allowed to take ibuprofen type drugs, I was given a cortisone injection in the joint of the toe(they heard me yelling in the waiting room), it did make the toe feel better almost instantly. it was my 3rd of 5th injection in that toe in the last 5 years. I woke up Thursday with a very slight gout attack however it passed. Just a little pain now. I am scheduled to get Lap Band this coming week! I hope I don't get an attack right after surgery. Good Luck Dave!!
listen to me closely. My husband suffers from gout and I know this is going to sound insane but what you NEED to do is mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and drink it. Do this every 4 hours and you will have relief with in 24 hours. Your toe will actually start to tingle and you will feel that something is happening. This is such an easy short term rememdy I don't know why more people don't know aboput it. Good luck!