What to expect first week after surgery?
Hi everyone. I am scheduled for surgery on Monday @ Christiana. What should I expect the first week? Is it ok to be alone or should I have someone with me? I am trying to prepare. What stocks should I lay in? What did you take to the hospital? Please let me know what to expect. Thanks, Sheila. PS I will be joining the Rehoboth Support group. Hi y'all.
Sheila, I thought they stopped doing surgery at Christiana...but anyway.
While you are in the hospital you are hooked to an IV, a catheter and you have a drain tube in your belly. A little uncomfortable, but lots of good pain meds. They harrass you constantly to take blood, blood pressure, temp..all that stuff.
Once you get home, be prepared to be really tired all the time. Lots of gas (nothing you can do about that) and have no appetite at all. be sure to get lots of liquids in. I was in pain for 3 weeks, but I am not the average. Lots of people say they have pain for about a week.
Don't overdo it. Take it easy and make sure if you get a bath or shower for the first couple days...that someone is very close by. I felt like it took alot out of me.
I took some undies and loose clothes and deoderant to the hospital. I took a couple magazines and search word book, but didn't even look at them. I also didn'****ch tv. The hosp. gives you toothpaste and other little stuff. Oh, take chapstick or something like that. You will be really DRY!
Good luck!!
Jennifer, where did you hear that they stopped doing the surgeries at Christiana? Because I spoke with Dr. Irgau several weeks ago about this and posted on here (as well as several others) that they were still doing surgeries at Christiana and that the hospital had only cut back on their OR schedule not done away with it completely. We really MUST stop the false rumors. Could you please do the Drs. a huge favor and tell whomever you heard this from that it is not true.
Thank you.
Hi, I think we are all getting different stories but When I went to Dr Wynn on Feb 9th, I asked her about where they are performing the surgeries. She specifically told me that they are going to be done at St. Francis. Maybe they will finish out a portion at Christiana until they finish a contract or something. But she personally told me they were now going to be done at St. Francis. I dont think I misunderstood her but... I personally dont have a problem with St. Francis. She told me that St. Francis is getting a wing for Bypass patients but its not done yet. She explained how right now everyone is in ICU the entire time at St. Francis.
For further, FYI Christiana is now looking for new doctors to perform Bypass surgeries at that hospital but it wont be with our doctors. Money is the issue for Christiana. According to an inside source Christiana wanted more of the cut when they realized the money to be made. Shame on them!!! Its their loss!
PMRI is having a good class on March 6 on the first three months. It would have been perfect for you. But if you are having surgery that day you can't possibly be there too! Watch the Christiana WLS site for upcoming meeting topics to see what you can learn. I find those support groups to be very informative. You might want to get in touch with the OH Group Leader in Harrington, Joanne and find out about her group topics. The more information you have the better you feel. Good luck to you in your new journey.
Hi Sheila,
I took some stuff with me to the hospital and never even opened my bag. I totally agree with the chapstick, it helps alot. Also sometimes it's hard to find a comfy position, bring a pillow from home, it makes all the difference! I always tell everyone to bring a colored pillow case, lol I lost a really nice white one to the hospital laundry
You should have someone with you at home, the first day or so anyway. Until you see what your comfort level is and if you're still sleepy from pain meds. Just a general precaution to have someone around if you live alone. I had very minimal discomfort when I came home and other than being a bit sleepy and tired from the whole experience, I was fine.
As far as supplies go, I would recommend keeping it simple at first. Don't overwhelm yourself. I suppose you will be on clear liquids the first 48 hours then progress to pureed ( if the instructions are the same as they were 2 years ago ) My first meal was 2 oz of pureed bean with bacon soup, it was absolute heaven! lol. Keep some sugar free popcicles around too.
My very best advice in a nutshell would be to, keep it simple, try not to stress over protein amounts in the beginning, that WILL come with time. Eat by the clock, rest enough and remember to walk just a little more each day.
Oh one side note...try crushing your Actigall and mixing it with Spicy V-8 juice. It totally masked the taste for me and I had no problems getting the meds down.
Good luck to you!

I called you back the other day and left a message on your cell. Give me another call at home. 684-3947. I want to talk to you before you go in for surgery. I am so proud of you for doing this. It is the best decision I ever made. Good luck to you. You will do great. Yes, Come to the Rehoboth support group meeting. The next one is this Tuesday, March 7. But of course , you won't be at that one. I will let everyone know at the group that you MAY be at the next one. Give me a Call girl!!!!!!