I have a question about clearances. I am scheduled for the lap band surgery on April 12th. I told my family over the weekend and I received very negative feedback from them. They have asked me to try traditional weight loss one more time before the surgery. If I hold off the surgery for awhile how long will the clearances be good for? I do not want to have to do all of the clearances again.
Its entirely up to you what you do as far as surgery is concerned. However, your clearances are only good for 6 months TOTAL. 6 months from the day the test was done and the PMRI classes as well. Blood work is only good for a few weeks though.
But, if you have Dr. Irgau or his office anyway, I think that if you cancel there is a waiting period. So you would have to go through the WHOLE thing all over again.
Think long and hard before you cancel. And good luck!
Darlene, My family wasn't supportive at first either. Only you know what is best for you. I now have a newphew who had surgery and 3 more family members looking into surgery. All on Dr. Wynn"s long waiting list. Do what is best for you and you alone. Take care whatever you decide. See you lighter. Joanne Hammond OBESITY HELP CHAPTER LEADER