Lap Band

Renay :0)
on 2/19/06 9:26 pm - Mid-Atlantic, East Coast
If you're in Delaware and have chosen the Lap Band, please let me know. I'd like to read about your experience. For various reasons the Lap Band is my choice. Thanks, Renay
on 2/20/06 1:10 am - Hockessin, DE
Hi Renay, I had my lap band surgery in June, 2003 by Drs. Wynn and Irgau. I just had a tummy tuck, lipo, and both arms done by Dr. Malek. I think I was the 7th lap band patient of the docs. Anyway, things have changed A LOT since then. My experience has been a roller coaster ride. I have a love/hate relationship with this band. My profile (Karen From DE) is very lengthy and a total reflection of the day to day changes in emotions, etc. Originally I was going to have the bypass in 2002, but I chickened out! They weren't doing the band then so I had to wait......For me personally this was a better choice. I have total control and flexibility with regard to my fills. For example, I had my fill totally removed for two months while I was recovering from my tummy tuck. I just had the fill put back in and right now I am very happy with my life and the band. I did not lose what I expected to (I wanted to lose 80, ended up losing 40), however my before and after pics that I carry around show just how different 40 lbs can make you look. Without this band I know I would have gained back all that I lost and then some! I could go on and on since I've got almost three years of band experience but I'll just say this.....research everything you can about the band (yahoo groups has smartbandsters/strugglingbandsters/graduatebandsters, etc) is the web site where you can download the patient handbook from the maker of the lap band system. Spotlight health is another site with band info. Go to support meetings. There were NO lap band support meetings in this area until 6 months ago! I was totally winging it on my life skills classes, nothing!! Our support meeting is the first Thursday of every month at 7:30p.m. at Concordia Church on Silverside Road (between Foulk and Shipley) in N Wilmington. Each month we get more and more people. Most are pre-op or recently post-op and are very willing to share their experiences. Nice group of people. Feel free to e-mail me if you have specific questions. Karen Ventresca
Renay :0)
on 2/28/06 5:23 am - Mid-Atlantic, East Coast
Karen, is there a charge for the support group meetings? Thanks, Renay
on 3/1/06 4:56 am - Hockessin, DE
Renay, There is no charge for the support meeting. By the way it's tomorrow night (Thurs Mar 2) at 7:30 at Concordia Lutheran Church on Silverside Road. Hope to see you there. Karen
on 2/20/06 5:12 am - Milford, DE
Hi Renay, I have chosen the LapBand. I am pre op right now but it looks like I may be having surgery in about a month if my ins will cooperate. I would be glad to share what I have learned about the band. I also go to the Lapband forum here on OH and I have learned tons of info on there. I was set up to have RNY but I decided that it was not right for me. Robyn
Renay :0)
on 2/20/06 9:50 am - Mid-Atlantic, East Coast
Thanks, ladies. I have been reading the Lapband Forum peridocially and I have done a lot of research, read the handbook and joined various Yahoo! groups. I'm at the stage now where I want to talk with some real people in my own region. I think I will try to check out the local support meetings. I was previously going to have the RNY surgery; however, it seemed that God was always stepping in the way. The last time, in 2004, I was initially approved for the RNY and my surgery was scheduled. Then, I was called two months later by the insurance comapny telling me that my group did not cover weightloss surgery. They had made a mistake. I think that it just wasn't the right surgery for me, especially since I would like to have a baby in a few years. The band just seems more forgiving and realist for people like me who have been dealing with weight issues for an entire lifetime. Again, thank you, and I hope to keep in touch. ~ Renay
on 2/21/06 8:36 am - Wilmington, DE
Renay, I had Lap Band on 9/30 and l love my band! I am so pleased with my results and have nothing, but positive things to say about it. Please feel free to e-mail me about any questions you may have. I highly recommend it and would do it again in a heartbeat!
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