Taste Issues
Hi Jennifer,
I just had my surgery on 1/24. Everything doesn't taste like yuck to me, but I have noticed that there are things I really liked prior to surgery that don't taste right to me at all now. I am still on pureed food, but I don't think that is the reason. I've noticed that I am much more sensitive to smells, like if someone has eaten garlic, or the smell of some things cooking. I've heard other people have also had this problem. I don't know why this happens, but if you find out, let me know! You should probably talk to your surgeon about it, because it is very important to get your nutritional needs met. Good luck, I hope you are able to figure it out.
The smell thing will last a month or two. I think mine settled down around month three....Smelly men's cologne in an elevator on my two week check up...I thought I was going to puke right there! I learned to walk around with clothes pins for my nose. I never had a problem with the foods I ate but early on it was nothing but jello, soup, juice and applesauce....big time choices but to tell you the truth it took alot for me to even eat them. I just wasn't hungry. I would give anything to have that feeling again!
Glad you are doing well.
Hugs and Fleece Blankets
I am sorry to bear the news that mine did not resolve itself quite as Debbie's did. I dealt with it for quite a while, albeit not as severe as time went on. For me it was so bad that there was a bit of time, I simply could not cook for my poor family. While we are long past it in it's severe form now, I find that my stomach is still upset easier as a post op than as a pre-op. As a pre, I had a stomach of steel. Now I feel like I have somewhat baby my tum. For the most part it is not a problem but then suddenly bam ... sometimes triggers a response. Strange things make it queasy. Sometimes watching someone pig-out does me in. Sometimes, the site of a particular texture of food does me in. Sometimes a gross commerical ... ETC ... Sure wish I could tell you that all is well all the time for all of us ... but ... this is my reality.
While the taste thing is unpleasant, at least you can know that is because you body is efficiently burning off fats. This is common in a state of ketosis. It leaves a horrid taste in your mouth. For me it always felt like someone had stuck an old sock in there or sometimes it was just a horrid metal taste. It will lessen with time and go away eventually. At this point of my journey I would gladly trade that taste to get the remainder of my pounds off. Give it a bit of time, keep brushing, and hold on to your hat, cause likely the weight is melting right off you right now!!!
I believe you are experiencing ketosis. I had it for quite a while after surgery and when I was doing Atkins. Terrible side effect but it probably means you are really loosing a lot of weight right now. I would say it is worth it. There is something you can take for your breath. Can't remember what it is called. Maybe someone else reading this will. I remember Nicki bringing some samples to a meeting at Concordia. Hang in there, it will pass.
thank you everyone for taking time out and answering my question. I still am brushing my teeth and tongue often, and have found out that iced tea does NOT help the situation any at all.
Now I have the problem of not being able to keep down protein shakes. I have tried several with fruits and peanut butter. Everything....YUCK, gived me dumping syndrome. At least it makes me heave and heave and spit and spit and my heart race and I feel like I'm gonna die. I called the Dr. office and they gave me some tips. And I see Dr. Irgau on Thursday. Luckily.
However, the good news is that I am 25 lbs lighter already...woo hoo