Feeling rotten
Hi all.
I'm almost 10 months out, down 120lbs and feeling awful from a cold I picked up while on vacation. I'm noticing that I'm getting colds/flu more often, more easily, and that they're lasting longer than before surgery. Is anyone else having this issue? If so, what are you doing about it?
Hi Joni,
Weird thing, I did that my first year out too. That's when I discovered Zicam and will not be without it! It really does reduce the duration of the cold and make it much more bearable. I use the nasal spray version and take some if I even have a HINT of a cold. Works for Sam and the kids too. This year has been different, so far I haven't had to deal with more than one minor one. I just ended up attributing it to the fact that even tho I felt good and was healthy, I was still recovering from a major surgical procedure. All the changes my body was going through perhaps caused my immune system to be a little more prone to catching a cold? You also have the double whammy of having a warmer Winter and more people are sick.
Maybe we should reschedule for coffee tonight? looks like I am going to end up having a surgical biopsy around the end of next week sometime UGHHH scary. I better stay home and hide from any germs
Hope you feel better soon. Try the Zicam!

I am sorry to hear you are feeling bad.
What worked/s for me is to up my protein and switch to a bariatric formula vitamin. The Vistas made a HUGE difference in how often I got sick and I felt absolutely wonderful on them, but the doc & nut wanted us on chewables, so I switched back to centrum chewable. I started getting sick again. I then switched to Bariatric Advantage chewable and now I am no longer getting the "colds" and etc. Some disagree with me and feel we don't need a special vitamin. I can't say for sure, I can only say that it seems my particular body does best on them.
Something just to throw out there ... my last bout with the "flu" was horrid. I was kinda scared that my altered body was the cause of it being so bad and it really had me worried. We finally found out that we did not have the flu after all. Our water well was contaminated and we were all being poisioned by our water. It was really bad. I am amazed at the difference in how I feel since we found this out. I know your water is not your cause, I only share this to say, sometimes, at least for me, I atribute everything to my surgery, when in fact it is something totally unrelated. Likely not the case in your situation, but just something for everyone to chew on in the future.
Sure hope you get to feeling better real soon.
I have been the complete opposite since surgery...Illnesses aren't lasting long at all for me....last one I had before surgery lasted over 6 weeks. I think the exercise, and vitamins have been contributing factors in this for me. I didn't do either before....So I guess I will continue what I am doing. I do the baratric vitamins as well. They have been working for me. Why change right?