Plan - Thinking of attacking the Project

on 2/15/06 7:59 pm - North Wilmington, DE
Well I have been thinking alot in the last 24 hours. How to make this Project called Debbie work. I am going to start by opening up my Project software and create the program plan for Debbie. I will look at short term goals and long term. Lets see if I can put these things down on paper. I need to be sure they are realistic. I guess that is what I do today. Make a list....I feel like Santa! I hope to check it twice before putting it in the software. I hate to have to make major changes once I have started down the path. Thats a new one for me. Debbie
Jus Me
on 2/16/06 12:17 am - My own little corner of the world
A new one that you my dear friend will be able to concur (how do you spell that one - I am drawing a blank here???)!!!
on 2/16/06 8:57 am - DE
Hey Deb, I remember a seminar on goal setting and one of the main things was that you were more likely to be successful (Familiar word?) if you set small and large goals and short and long term goals. Achieving the milestones along the way will make it more likely that you will stay the course. Your goals must also be achievable, realistic and most importantly flexible. Sometimes life forces you to alter your course and you cannot feel like a failure when that happens if you acknowledge up front that you cannot control everything. Detours become a fact that you have to deal with rather than an earth shattering setback. Lastly surround yourself with people who have the same goals and offer you only positive support. Your post are a constant source of inspiration to me and I for one want to see you succeed. I volunteer to be one of those surrounding you! Penny
Rob S.
on 2/16/06 9:18 am - DE
John Cleese (of Monty Python fame) has a seminar called "Robby the Robot" which is all about setting your course and dealing with t he course corrections you are required to take along the way. Funny and memorable. Rob
on 2/16/06 11:22 am - North Wilmington, DE
Robby the Robot....interesting. I haven't seen MP stuff in a long time. I guess I will have to look it up....funny always helps with this kind of stuff. Thanks Rob! Debbie
on 2/16/06 11:27 am - North Wilmington, DE
The boat has plenty of room Penny....I just hate being in it alone! Started an outline tonight of a top down plan....It was easier to see bigger pieces....I am hoping each day to add to it. Details are definitely needed to be able to see where you are going. Thanks for being there. I'll get there....just like the tortoise. Slow and steady! Hugs and Fleece Blankets Debbie
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