CHRIAS-A note from the doctors
Nicki Z.
on 2/6/06 6:38 am
on 2/6/06 6:38 am
On behalf of the doctors and staff at CHRIAS, I would like to say THANK YOU for your generousity and loyal support. As you know CHRIAS is going through some challenges and changes and would appreciate your patience.
We (Doctors & Staff) are encouraging you to continue coming to Christiana Hospital, PMRI, and all other venues for your medical, psychological, physical and bariatric needs.
We are trying to serve you in the best possible way. We have your health at heart. Dr. Irgau, Dr. Wynn, Dr. Peters, Dr. Jadali and Dr. Sahm are doing surgeries at all three hospitals in the area and will continue. We want to assure you the we WILL NOT leave any patient behind and we are here to serve you.
Again, we truely appreciate your loyality and support, but we need you to continue to go through the proper channels to get your health needs meet.
Thank you! If you have any concerns regarding your surgery, please contact us at the office.
The team at CHRIAS
Nicki Z.
on 2/6/06 6:49 am
on 2/6/06 6:49 am
OH! One more thing on a personal note, PLEASE go to the support meeting and use them for baratric support as they are intended to be. PLEASE let the doctor's and hospital's work out their issues on their own, and let's not bring those issues to support meetings.
Nicki on Behalf of the Surgeons
I went to last night's meeting only because I paid for it. I will continue to go the the PMRI meetings until my 3 years are up because I've Paid for them. If Christiana Care continues this nonsence I will take my Life Long business elsewhere. I am already under Chrias' care, along with my PCP and now a hematologist. I'm sure I will have NO PROBLEM finding an endincrologist to review my records and handle any problems that might arise. There's also many nutritionists, dietitions and psychologists that I can utilize that are not associated with PMRI. As much as I Love Regina (I know you guys monitor this site and this is nothing against you personally, you are all wonderful professionals, this is for the higher-ups who made the ridiculous decision to cut back on Chrias' OR time and cause this ruckus to begin with, you know who you are!) I can find someone else to help me. So you can tell the people in charge of these decisions, that I will continue to follow the PMRI program, BUT if Chrias' bariactric program at Christiana Care is stopped, I will definately find others to take care of me and mine. We have all made a life long commitment to you, it's time you make one to us. I want a choice!!! I DEMAND a choice!!! Yesterday when I posted about making a "Free Chrias" Tee-shirt I was kidding, I am not kidding now. Words cannot describe how furious I am. I am an American, I DO NOT like to be forced into something!
OK I'm off my soapbox now!