Thank you Rosa, it is such an exciting time for me. The group I sing with sang up in Montreal in 2004. While there we were heard by the director of a group in the Dallas area. They had plans to put on this performance at Carnegie Hall "When We No Longer Touch". It's an amazing work. After hearing us he invited us (and a few other groups) to join them.
It's been a year of anticipation and 6 months of hard work. All of us will finally get together on the 17 and pull it all together for performance on the 19. It is an amazing opportunity. Once in a lifetime. I feel honored
Again.. Thank you!!!
Congrats to the normal or should I say FREAKIN NORMAL! LOL. Glad you are doing well....I was just thinking about you the other day. You have been quite so I figure you had stuff brewing! I have a long road to go before I reach normal. Not sure anymore what is normal. What I mean is our BMI chart says I should be around 150 for normal. But is that really the normal for me?
I got told by my Granny....too funny too....I shouldn't lose anymore weight. I will be too thin. I don't think there is anything like being too thin especially with my frame. Big bottom gal! Okay now I am hearing the Queen song! I can't win!
Is it an unrealistic expectionation for me to want to be normal and be at 150? I feel I look okay now but...not skinny. I want skinny. But do I really want skinny? Why is it that my perception even picking up size 16-18's for me do I think OMG these things are BIG. Man in the past I was a 32 and never once thought about it being too BIG. Why do I do this to myself now? I guess the quest to normal for me is very cloudy and confusing.
I feel I am accepted by more people these days. But that feeling alone does not constitute NORMAL for me. Looking like a bag of bones now that seems NORMAL to me. Have I gone off the deep end never to return??? Sorry for bringing on the downer to your upper!
I am going to jump back in bed and have another weird dream...PS. Dreaming is way over rated! I hate it that I can remember some of them now....Having the OSA really bad took them away from me for many years. I guess that is another sign of being normal that I don't like. Gosh snap me out of this!!!!
It is my personal opinion that those charts for someone our height and age are unrealistic. My scale uses a higher measure and I am showing normal at 170 lbs. I am 5'7 (as you are) and I am a woman. I have no desire to be 150. I have no desire to be that thin that society loves and all the YOUNG girls strive for. I am a woman and I want the shape of a woman. I got into that 16 yesterday but I have no desire to be anything smaller than a curvy 14. And that's a misses 14, not a juniors
I was reading an article yesterday that quoted designer Pierre Cardin. The article said:
"Pierre Cardin said he finds the proportions of today's women more beautiful, as they are taller and sportier. His idea of the perfect woman? "The one you love, of course," he said."
That made me think. About me and my perception of me and how I feel about me. I loved me at size 30 and over 300 lbs. And I love me now.
If I never lost another lb, never dropped another dress size... that is ok. For I have accepted and love me. I am the perfect woman . Of course, that is why I am the princess.
And you too are a princess, I see it in you all the time. I feel I am fortunate in the fact that I have made some mental adjustments quicker than others. Maybe it was because I was more in the lightweight category moving into this surgery.
You have done extraordinarily well! And you have much to be proud of and you look awesome!
You and I are one basically the same size except for our bottoms. And this bottomless girl would LOVE to have some of your bottom LOL. I never ever saw "Fat Bottom Girls" as a bad song. It was a great song! And people loves it and those bottoms!
You and I both have a ways to go in this journey, but remember, it is a journey for life. So this journey is not over. And together we'll get there.
Love yourself Debbie and indeed you will find that perfect woman in you. No matter the size or weight
You know I love you!
((((((((((((((((( Debbie )))))))))))))))))))
Perception overrated! I am working on this crappy feeling I have...maybe its the weather causing me to be so down on myself. I thought cleaning out some of the bigger clothing would help. It didn't but hey we are working as if we are trying to get the ISO9000 certification...you know the one that states you have to be in continous improvement! Thanks for the chat this AM....I know you are right its just the brain is not accepting anymore applications if you know what I mean. It will get better! And we will continue on this journey to continually improve the body, mind and spirit...I think the spirit needs some spirit! Pass the vodka please!
Hey you better post that pic of the $$$$ dress.
Hugs back at ya! You are only as good as you think....RIGHT!!!
First! You Freakin Normal!!! Nevah! None of us is NORMAL and that's what I LOVE about each and every one of us! We are EXTRAORDINARY!!!! So no normal for us! God I wish I could go to NY to hear you sing! That would be so cool! Congrats to you My "Normal" is supposed to be around 130. That is my goal. I was 130 through most of my 20's so I know that is my "Adult Weight". My "Oh ****" weight was 140 for years. So basically what this meany is that I would be blissfully happy at 5'4" and 150#.
Thank you Ellen!! I am proud of the steps I have taken in life that have gotten me to this point and I pray that my continued journey continues in this way. There were a lot of hard points in my life last year but I have grown so much as a person through them all that I am grateful to have had them tossed my way.
And you have done so well and I hope you know that I too am proud of you!!
There will be a ton of pictures to share from Carnegie. I'm sure ya'll will get bored long before you see them all. Don't say you haven't been warned lol
Love you Ellen!!