Is Something wrong with Doctors in Christiana??
I just got back from my OB/Gyn doctor. I went so I could get my history with him and ask him if he could write a letter for my insurance. He asked me where I was considering on having the surgery done. I told him Christiana. He said that he heard the program in Christiana was not good and that the doctors didnt require alot of testing and basically were just doing the surgeries. I told him that they have great reviews on the web site and that they have you do alot of tests from what I've heard. He said maybe its changed.
I know I had read a post about them having some complications about 2 years ago. Does anyone know what they were?
I know when I called for my appt. They told me that the doctors have done over 1000 surgeries and 1 death that was NOT surgery related. Anyone else hear this.
I really want to use them but am now a little concerned/nervous/scared with them not doing the surgeries in Christiana anymore. Could this be related?
I dont want this to be a negative post but I really am concerned. What kind of hospital is St. Francis?
First of all let me put your mind at ease about the doctors. I had Dr's Irgau and Wynn perform my gastric bypass 2 years ago this March...they did my surgery as a team but my follow ups have been with Dr. Irgau. I have NEVER in my life found a more knowlegable, professional caring doctor! I am extremely picky and it takes alot to make me feel comfortable, especially with a procedure the magnitude of this surgery.
I think that you will probably find that this has more to do with insurance and approvals and the bottom line, than it does the doctors. Your doctor has 'heard' some very bad information and should be ashamed of himself passing it around if he is saying they just 'do' the surgeries with very little required. I had to have extensive testing to make sure I was healthy enough to have this. I was told right up front about the realities of the surgery and also told what was expected of ME to make my journey a successful one.
I did not have mine at St. Francis, but many have and I have heard very good reports. However having said that, your mileage may vary. Not everyone has a good experience with everything in all areas of life, the same goes for this surgery.
In closing all I can do is tell you that I placed my life in Dr. Irgaus hands and I'm so very, VERY happy that I did. I wear his name and office phone number on my medic alert bracelet. If I had a family member requiring surgery he, Dr. Wynn or Dr. Peters would be the ones I'd ask to do it. Please don't take the comments of ONE....and in all truth, probabaly biased dr to heart.
Do your homework, talk to may people and make an informed choice. I made an informed choice and am thankful everyday that I did. I am down almost 130 pounds, off of 2 blood pressure pills and no more diabetes meds. I can walk, run and exercise as well as someone half my age...and as if that's not enough good news, I've been told more than once I'm pretty hot! hot as one can get in their 40's anyway
These are just MY opinions, but hey, you know what they say about opinions
I get excellant followup care too...bloodwork for me every six months. I follow the rules and take responsibility for my part in this. Only you know what's best for you. Good luck in whatever your choice!
Wow, I just noticed I need a new pic, that doesn't even look like me anymore!

I am terribly sorry that your doctor frightened you. I can tell from personal experience that he is way off base.
I am two years post op, down 150 pounds and living instead of existing. The reason for my success was because I had the most wonderful doctors, not only performing the operation, but following up on my care and truly caring about me. I no longer have asthma, sleep apnea, high blood pressure or headaches. I ride a bike, i skateboard, i exercise and I eat properly because some taught me the right way.
I also work in the evening for Chrias. I make phone calls to patients to invite them to attend the lap band seminars. I can honestly say that this team of doctors is the best in the field. They have the lowest complication rate in the area. I went thru all kinds of tests before being approved. I had to see a cardiologist, pulmonologist, nurse practioner, doctor. I also saw a nutritionist and psychologist before they would approve my surgery.
I have seen the office staff working nights, Saturdays and even Sundays when needed. They are totally dedicated to us.
I personally have seen 4 out of the 5 doctors. I do not have one complaint. I am truly thankful that I have met such a wonderful group of dedicated professionals. If i didn't totally believe in them, I would never call anyone and promote their program.
I have seen the doctors working late evenings and many weekends. They will never let you down.
I'm sorry for the rambling, but in my heart, I believe I owe my new life to them.
Best wishes to you for a happy healthy future.
Just to voice my own opinion on the doctors at CHRIAS. I am a Operating Room Nurse working in Pa and Dr Irgau and Dr Wynn did my surgery. I chose these doctors because of their reputation and they lived up to it 100%. I had extensive Pre-op testing ie:Cardiologist (EKG, Stress Test, Echo Test, Endocrinologist, Pyschologist, Pulmonologist (Sleep Study, Pulmonology Test) Extensive Laboratory work up (blood studies),Dietician, Life Skill Classes(classes pertaining to my specific surgery, and Pre-op Surgical Appts. with Dr Irgau. When having general anesthesia there is always a risk as well with any surgical procedure. The surgeons do try to screen well in advance I can assure you but complications do arise. I don't know about why Christiana is not being utilized as a surgical site but when Insurance is involved and malpractice insurance rises sometimes that becomes a issue. (Not that this is the reason) I had excellent care while at Christiana Hospital and would choose there again if the need came. I elect to use St Francis for their Laboratory services (blood work) and have never had any problems in fact get quick results. Research is the answer for you in my opinion and choose the surgery and the surgeons that you feel best suits you. Hope this will help.....
Hi, Linda, Debbie and Sharon
Thank you so much for your very informative posts. I do value your opinions because you guys know first hand. I know that a lot of people have used CHRIAS for their surgeries. Probably the majority of the people on this board have. I have heard everyone rant and rave about the Doctors at CHRIAS. I do believe that the ones on this board know more about these doctors (by their personal experience with them) than my OB/GYN doctor. It was just a little frightening when I love my OB/GYN doctor and have such trust in him. However, I now feel he is not educated enough about Bariatric Surgery and the program that CHRIAS offers to cast his opinion. It so awesome to know that there's support like this because who knows what I would have kept thinking if I hadn't found this support board. I have been researching this surgery for many months now and have been reading these posts and profiles and looking at tons of websites until I am falling asleep in front of the computer.LOL.. I have heard so much about the Doctors at CHRIAS that I wasn't going to base my final decision on one opinion (my OB doctor) even though I have a lot of confidence in him.
I am most definite that when I meet the doctors my mind will be at ease. I think I am having all those thoughts that everyone pre-op gets. Also, for me its hard to have total confidence in a doctor that I haven't met yet so I am a little reserved. I do feel like I know them somewhat by the post and profiles and am most positive that I will feel totally comfortable with them once I meet them. My appointment is in April.
Debbie- I was wondering since you work at CHRIAS at night have you heard anything about why they are not doing surgeries at Christiana? I don't know too much about St. Francis but I think I heard they keep you in ICU the first night, which is good.
Thanks again guys....Sharon
I had lap band surgery by Drs. Wynn and Irgau in June, surgery was at Christiana. I love Wynn, Irgau and Peters (I've not met the two newest surgeons). In 2003 Christiana Hospital wasn't set up for bariatrics the way it is now so I won't comment on the hospital. I will say that I would trust these surgeons with any member of my family! Also, I just had plastic surgery at St. Francis Hospital (tummy tuck, arms, lipo, etc) and I was pleasantly surprised at how much they have changed since I worked there years ago. It was a wonderful experience from start to finish. The comments of your ob/gyn were less than professional. Trust the people on these boards. If there is something negative going on they will tell it like it is! Best of luck to you.
Karen Ventresca
Thanks for your comments. I totally trust the people on these boards. I think having WLS is a big, big step and with everything that can happen people have been up front about and they seem to be soooo supportive of each other. So, I do believe when I hear all the positive things being said about these doctors. I am not worried anymore but am just anxious to meet them for myself.
It is reassuring to read the all the posts on the positive experiences everyone has had with the doctors at CHRIAS and I love to read everyones comments so keepim' comin" !!!
Thanks again.
Hey Sharon.....I am glad that you posted and got some answers.........I totally trust these people who are posting too!!!! Anyway, I read that your appointment is in lucky dog, you! Mine isnt until May 5...I wonder why? I told them that I would take any didnt matter to me. Oh well. Have you received your packet yet, because I haven't? I called last Monday and spoke to someone on Tuesday, who said that she would send me a packet of info. I want that packet so that I can send it back to get on the waiting list!!!!! Could you get back with me about that? I would really appreciate it!!! Thanks so to you later..........shaughnessy
p.s..........I have been so busy lately........last week my 8 year old had strep throat and this week his 15 month old sister had it. Today, I had to pick him up from school with pink eye.....I have been to the doctor's office waaaaaaaaaay tooooo much lately with them. Oh, and my husband sprained his ankle and bruised the bone last night at work....he's on he' s useless!!!!!!!! anyway...knock on wood, that I haven't been sick this season yet!!! bye
Hi Shaughnessy,
You sound like me over the Christmas holidays! We went to Washington state and the baby was sick when we got there with teething, ear infections, cough/cold you name it. We got home and she got RSV so I had been to give her the treatments for a couple of weeks. Shes over it now!! Thank goodness!!
How weird!! I think pink eye is going around. My son had it last week and he got sent home from school.
My appointment is April 5th. They must have gotten a ton of calls because didnt we call like a week apart. Anyway, I havent gotten my packet either. The office said they would mail it this week and I didnt get it either. HMMM... I'll have to call Monday.
We are Heading to North Carolina in a little bit so gotta get off here and finish packing!! Ugh. The worst part.
Hopfully I'll be able to check in. If not I'll talk to you on Monday. I plan on going to that Monday nite meeting at PMRI but I have to find out the time. I think its at Christiana somewhere. Talk to you later!! Sharon
hey sharon...............It sounds like you travel a lot!!!!! Aren't you lucky?????!!!!! Good to hear that your daughter is doing well! I am sick of sick kids, aren't you? Ha ha!!
I wish that I could go to those meetings during the week, but my jusband works 4:00 p.m. until 6:15 a.m. So somebody has to watch the kids!!! Anyway, I am going to hopefully get to PMRI for a Saturday meeting. They have those once a month too!! I'll have to see if my husband will drive me though, because I have the WORST sense of direction. Anyway, I have to get ready for to you later........shaughnessy