Nutritional Concepts
Today I joined a gym called Nutritional Concepts. It is located across from Dr. Wynn's office. Membership includes three months of personal training along with nutrition and menu planning. Owner was very familiar with WLS. BTW, he told me he was working with Dr. Malek, plastic surgeon, who is also located in building, on a plastic surgery package. Wish me luck!
Kim S
So you're quitting Curves? I've been wondering where you've been. I thought I had BO or sumpin and you didn't want to work out with me anymore! Tell me more about this new program! I've gotta stay with Curves until September or I won't get my reimbursement from BCBS. But I'm having a hard time getting my heart rate up doing that routine (guess I'm in better shape than I thought) and I'm going to want to kick it up some in the near future. I was thinking about going back to the Fitness club over by the bridge and working with a trainer there, but if this guy is good, I would definately give him a shot. Basically, what I'm saying is I WANT MORE DETAILS!!!
Hi Christi & Dineen:
I am starting on Monday with the routine. The program consists of exercise, nutrition and weekly weigh-ins. He will design a program just for you. Last night we worked on my menu and he had some great ideas for the protein. The bad news is it is somewhat expensive. $895 for the first year and thereafter $250 a year. If you compare the $895 to the cost of a trainer, which I was paying $150 for 3 x week, it is cheap. I need the training portion because if you don't do things correct, you can hurt yourself and most importantly you won't see results. Sorry about Curves but it just wasn't doing it for me. I hope all is well.
Kim S