Kinda OT, Kinda WOW, Alot Twisted!
As you all know, I'm big time back into skiing and doing really well with it. I'm a total adrenaline junky! Well Rodger, Chelsea and I went up to Camelback saturday. Chelsea had done so well at Whiteface, we wanted to see if she could finally ski the whole mountain with us without an instructor. She did fantastic! She skied all of the easy and intermediate slopes and had a blast! I'm so proud of her! Well later in the afternoon the mountain was getting pretty crowded so we were sticking to this one easy run that wasn't crowded at all. I was sking Point, Chelsea following me and Rodger sking behind her batting cleanup. We were going fairly slow, making wide easy turns and traversing the entire run (like a big "S"). Chelsea was working on her turns and maintaining her speed control. Well, outa nowhere comes this guy, rocketing down the slope and SLAMS into me. We probably flew 20 feet in the air before we hit the ground, me on top of him (good, serves the little jerk right!!!). He is SO LUCKY he hit me and not Chelsea! You've heard of a mother bear and her cubs? Well they're got nuthin on me! I got up, shook it off and proceeded to ski the rest of the day and into the evening. I'm really sore today and yesterday and somewhat bruised, but fine (I've been worse after a day of sking). The point of this story you ask.
I can now take a hit! Last year, a hit (or should I say assult! LOL) like that would've ended my day and probably my season. But because I've lost so much weight, been working out and am 100x's more flexible than I've been in the past 12 years, my body can tolerate things like this better than when I was in my 30's. For me that's a WOW moment. I know, a pretty twisted wow, but a wow nonetheless.
Wow!!!! Dee that is a wonderful wow moment. Do you have any problems with the keeping warm part? Our church is going on their annual snow tubing trip, I went last year I went down 2 times then spent the rest of the time in the lounge keeping warm! I told my husband the only way I will go is if I have a snow suit and boots and thermal underware 10 pairs of socks, etc. you get the point!!! I must keep warm!!!!! But, I do want to go, it is fun, last year I was only 3 months out, so I took it easy. This year watch out!!
Congrats on your wow moment!!!!!
Take care!!
I am ALWAYS cold! I wear special long undies for skiing under my ski pants or bibs, 2 pairs of socks (liners & wool-padded ski socks), a long sleeved t-shirt, zippered fleece jacket, neck-gator, ski coat, glove liners, ski gloves, goggles & fleece hat. In NY I bought those hot-hands thingeys and put them in my gloves.
I basically wear the same when we go tubing. I wouldn't recommend tubing without the above list especially since it does not involve as much physical exertion as sking does. I love snow tubing at night. I love lying in the tube staring up at the stars as you're being pulled up the hill.
Hey thats the outfit I wore today!!! TWINS???
Sounds to me this guy was the lucky one ... had he pummeled you a while back and hurt you (before we all got so totally skinny ), we woulda all had to go up there and sit on him to teach him a fine lesson!!!
Seriously, congratulations on doing so well. Truly enjoying your exercise is sugar free icing on the low carb cake. Life is so good, and I am so very happy you are enjoying it to the very fullest! Continue on my friend. The buns of steel workout is a cake walk compared to what you are doing!!!
Thanks for the inspiration!!!
I am ALWAYS cold! I wear special long undies for skiing under my ski pants or bibs, 2 pairs of socks (liners & wool-padded ski socks), a long sleeved t-shirt, zippered fleece jacket, neck-gator, ski coat, glove liners, ski gloves, goggles & fleece hat. In NY I bought those hot-hands thingeys and put them in my gloves.
I basically wear the same when we go tubing. I wouldn't recommend tubing without the above list especially since it does not involve as much physical exertion as sking does. I love snow tubing at night. I love lying in the tube staring up at the start as you're being pulled up the hill.
DEE, Once I get my new knees, I wanna go skiing and tubing and sit in the lodge drinking hot chocolate (no sugar, high protein) of course. Hope you saved your last years ski clothes, so I can rent/borrow them. I don't want to buy clothes if I don't like it.
Lucky for the guy you slimmed down. He might have hurt himself if he'd hit ya last year. ((HUGS)) Elissa