I have seen people posting about support meetings in Harrington and Camden.....does anyone go to any in Milford, Milton, Lewes, Rehoboth, or somewhere like that????? Also...does anyone know of weekend meetings anywhere in Delaware?? My husband works nights and I have two small kids, so its hard for me to go anywhere. thanks for any is always greatly apprecited!!!!!!! thanks again..shaughnessy
Hi Shaughnessy,
There is a wonderful support group in Rehoboth which is held the first Tuesday of the month. It is held at a little church/hall on Olive and First streets. It starts at 7:00. There is also one being held in Harrington, but check with Joanne Hammond for info on that one. She posts often so I'm sure you will see her name here. Take care and good luck. Hope to see you in Rehoboth next month.
Shaughnessy, here is a list of the groups in Delaware. With the exception of the Rehobeth group, all have contacts and phone numbers. The only Saturday mtg is at PMRI in Wilmington/Greenville. This month's PMRI is tonite the 9th at 7pm and on Saturday, Jan 21st at 10 am.
If anyone has updated info for the Rehobeth group & NDE-WLS at Peniel Church, please let us know so the list can be revised and posted. Hope this helps. Elissa
? PMRI (Preventive Medicine & Rehabilitation Institute)
When: Varies (Usually the First Monday & Third Saturday of the Month)
Affiliated with Christiana Institute of Advanced Surgery (CHRIAS)
Location: PMRI-Christiana Care, Wilmington, Delaware 19807
Contact: 302.661.3000
When: The last Tuesday of the Month at 6 pm - 7:30 pm
Affiliated with Christiana Institute of Advanced Surgery (CHRIAS)
Location: St. Francis Hospital, Wilmington, Delaware
Contact: Maryellen Sparks Phone: 302.421.4121 E-mail : [email protected]
? NDE-WLS (North Delaware-Weight Loss Surgery)
When: First Monday of Every Month at 7pm - 8 pm
Location: Peniel United Methodist Church, Newport, Delaware
Contact: Barb Malatesta Phone: 302.836.4192 E-mail: [email protected]
When: First Thursday of Every Month at 7:30 pm
Location: Concordia Lutheran Church, 3003 Silverside Road, Wilmington, DE 19810
Contact: Karen Ventresca Phone: 302.235.2045 E-mail: [email protected]
When: The fourth Wednesday of the Month at 7 pm
Location: Jim ****er's Home, 56 Planters Run Court, Dover, DE 19901
Contact: Jim ****er Phone: 302-698-5437 Email: [email protected]
When: Second Thursday of Every Month at 7 pm
Location: Concordia Lutheran Church, 3003 Silverside Rd, Wilmington, DE 19810
Contact: Rob Siers Email: [email protected]
Contact: Elissa Hart Email: [email protected]
When: Second Thursday of Every Month at 7 pm - 9 pm
Location: Smyrna Church of Christ, 1630 Joe Goldsborough Road, Smyrna, DE 19977
Contact: Ginger Barkley Phone: 302.653.5971 E-mail: [email protected]
When: Third Tuesday of Every Month at 7pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Victory Christian Fellowship 100 Wilton Blvd., New Castle, DE 19720
Phone: 302.324.5400 ext. 1211
Contact: Jim Simmons Email: [email protected]
Contact: Ester Grimm Email: [email protected]
When: Third Thursday of Every Month at 6:30 pm
Location: VA Hospital, Elsmere, Delaware
Contact: Jane Walker Phone: 443.907.2574 E-mail: [email protected]
When: Second Monday of Every Month at 7 pm
Location: Camden Friends Meeting House
122 East Camden-Wyoming Avenue, Camden DE 19934
Contact: Kevin Sirman Phone: 302.423.8734 Email: [email protected]
When: Third Wednesday of the month at 7 - 9 pm
Location: Harrington Volunteer Fire Company
20 Clark Street Harrington, Delaware
Contact: Joanne Hammond Phone: 302.947.0417 Email: [email protected]
When: First Tuesday of the month at 7--9 pm
Location: St Mark's United Methodist Church
18 Olive Avenue Rehobeth, Delaware
Contact: Jennifer Burton Phone: ? Email: ?
Wow Elissa...thanks so much for the information...its kind of weird that there aren't anymore support groups in sussex county!!! Well...maybe after I go through this journey...I can help set up one!!!! I am so grateful for this information and how everyone is so nice on these boards!!!! thanks again...shaughnessy
Shaughnessy, if you want, you can become a Chapter Leader through Obesity Help and start a group in Sussex County. It's free and the information and support is great. Training is on the phone in 3 one hour increments. Round tables are held once a month and you can sit comfortably in your home to participate. There are no Dr's downstate that do WLS any longer. The void can be filled with pre-op's and post-op's forming support groups which can be so valuable in our research & decision making. Good Luck. Elissa
Shauhnessy. Three months ago their was only one group down here. That was the Rehobeth group. I went to it and still go. Kevin and I took classes thru Obesity Help and both started a group. Kevin lives in Camden and started his there, I live in Millsboro but saw a need in the Harrington/Milford area so started my group there. I would love to see a group somewhere in Kent /Sussex Counties each week where people could get support if they needed it. I feel we have still come a long way in the last 3 months. If you decide to be a leader I willl gladly help you get started. See you lighter. Joanne