Friday Roll Call
Good Morning Delawareans, I will try again to do RollCall. Where is everyone? Let me tell you my back has been killing me since I took the jazzercise class Tuesday. It was alot of fun but I think I can't do everything I want to. I am going today to check into the Y to see what they offer. Also I like the ideal that they are state wide so you can exercise anywhere in the state. The Rehobeth one has free child care too. I will have no excuse for my grandbabies can go right along with me. I am not doing so good weight wise. I am starting the phateau Buster Diet on Monday with 4 other people. We are commiting to doing this for 4 weeks. We are going back to basic training. If anyone wants to join the Challenge go to April 2005 Surgery Messageboard. Three of us had surgery then and my friend Linda is going to try it too. She is over 2 years out. Should be interesting. See all lighter. Joanne
Hey Joanne, I understand about the back to basics...I am going that way after the 1st of the year. I bought my Diet Minder book (15 bucks) at Barnes and Noble last night so step one is in place....Journal time again!!!! I will then do the 10 day plateau buster all though I wonder if it will work for me? I belong to the Y. I like it although they haven't seen much of me this last month. I am also upping that again. I do miss that routine. Doing other things is nice but I see it is aggravating me. Just a warning....when starting any exercise you haven't done in awhile start slow....its hard in class structures to do that because you want to keep up with everyone.....You might find doing your own routine at the gym first will build you up enough to do the class. My cousin does jazzercise and tells me some of the instructors are harder than others...she is in good shape and they kill her as well. The sore muscles will get better soon....Take it easy. Thanks for doing roll call today!
Debbie, Fill me in. Is the Diet Minder like a journal? If you get a chance check out the P/B diet on the April 2005 messageboard by Rae Ann Coon. It is a 4 week plan. That is what I am starting Monday. I feel what you mean about starting slow on exercise. I want to do this class so bad but my body is resisting. It is saying" Ok old women what are you doing to me, I'm not use to this" LOL!!!!!I Well I am starting 2006 going back to basics. I am making this my year come hell or high water. Thanks for your input. If I join the Y maybe we can get together to exercise sometime. I really wish I had an exercise buddy who lived close but I can't get anyone to commit with me. Most people I know do their exercising in the A. M. Sorry I have to work then. See you lighter. Joanne
The Y near you is that Dover? I will check out the Apirl PB plan. See what is different about it from the 10 day plan. The Diet Minder is a journal...very nice one....pages start with your committment and your goal...they even have a place for before and after pics to remind you.....Everything you want to do is here in this little book. Graphing your lose page, fav foods calorie pages....I wish you were closer....I am a night time exerciser too! I hate waking up in AM let alone get the body in motion....LOL
Debbie, I went to Atlantic Books down here. I got a book for $2.98 . It is paperback and called What Have You Got To Lose 5 steps and 10 weeks to figure .it .out. It has all kinds of stuff for 10 weeks of planning. It has a place for measurements, Before and after pictures,Goal setting,graphing your progress, What you over eat today you wear tomorrow,Menu Planning,Food Diary, Rewards and punishments, Shows you 35 exercises and a check off list, Exercise to music chart and Aarobic Activity with chart. It also has information on all the above. I think I'll go back tomorrow and get a couple more. If you want one let me know and i will pick it up for you. Couldn't find a Diet Minder but thought this might be close. See you lighter. Joanne
Debbie, I went to Atlantic Books down here. I got a book for $2.98 . It is paperback and called What Have You Got To Lose 5 steps and 10 weeks to figure .it .out. It has all kinds of stuff for 10 weeks of planning. It has a place for measurements, Before and after pictures,Goal setting,graphing your progress, What you over eat today you wear tomorrow,Menu Planning,Food Diary, Rewards and punishments, Shows you 35 exercises and a check off list, Exercise to music chart and Aarobic Activity with chart. It also has information on all the above. I think I'll go back tomorrow and get a couple more. If you want one let me know and i will pick it up for you. Couldn't find a Diet Minder but thought this might be close. See you lighter. Joanne
Good Morning Everyone, I am here still trudging along. I am at work today and tomorrow and off on Sunday. Monday starts my 52 hours in 6 days for Jan, Feb and Mar. I am excited because I know it will go fast and when it is over I will hopefully be close to getting a date for my surgery. It is funny when I started looking into this procedure April seemed like a lifetime away, but it isn't. I am already collecting final payment for April vacations. My best friend and I are getting our families together for New Years Eve and having our own little seaford feast. I can't wait, lots of shrimp, clams and mussels. I always eat shrimp on New Years, and I am hoping that I still will be able to do so after my surgery. I know 3 will most likely fill me up, and that is fine as long as my body can handle them.
I hope everyone has a great day and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Deanna, Glad to hear from you. Next New Years you will be on the losing side of life and looking back as I am this year. Enjoy your New Year. It seems like you will have a good time. I am working this weekend so staying home. I might just have to get some Shrimp too. Sounds like a winner. We always have Ham and cabbage New Years Day for dinner. Monday I am starting a P/B diet so it will be liquids for a week. See you lighter. Joanne
Hi Joanne,
I'm at work today and bored out of my mind. I will be spending the new years with my grandson and hubby. I'm 2 yrs out and Im ready to get back in the swing of things. I'm waiting to hear from my heart doctor to see why i've been having discomfort where my pace maker is. After that, no more excuses for excersising. Beth