New Mtg. in New Castle/Bear Area
Hello everyone,
I would like to invite you to a new support group meeting that will be starting in January. It will be held the THIRD TUESDAY of every month and is open to everyone. The meetings will be covering topics that relate to those who are post op.
A group of about 10 had a meeting in December to plan this new group which will carry the name "Healthy Journey". Everyone is very excited and looking forward to having a meeting in this vacinity. We are hoping that all of you in the New Castle/ Bear area as well as those in the Elkton area will come and be a part.
Meeting Details:
"Healthy Journeys"
Held at:
Victory Christian Fellowship
100 Wilton Blvd.
New Castle, DE 10820
First meeting: January 17th, 2006
For information:
Phone: (302) 324-5400 ext. 1211
My name is Pastor Faye Whetstone and I am post op 18 months. I have been posting since surgery under the name of "Mama Mama". I am one of the senior pastors of Victory. I have lost just about 100 pounds and feel great. Some of the other individuals who are helping to lead this new group will be posting about the meeting as well.
Please wish us well as we begin and we hope to see you there.
God bless,
Pastor Faye
Looks like we almost have the State covered with support groups. What a good thing. What time does the meeting start?
Me I am still at a stall with things and really need to focus. With all that is going on its really hard to do but hopefully soon things will get better in this corner. I see the hottie surgeon for the last time in January. How depressing...I am so glad things are going well for you! Take care.
The meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Sorry I didn't post the time.
I think you've done great. Since we had surgery the same day you have kept loosing alot longer than I did. I stalled around June and haven't lost anything since. That is the first time the scale has moved either way since June. As a matter of fact I gained 2 pounds since Thanksgiving. It was either those cookies or lack of gym activity because of the holidays. Either way I am back on track and cookies are a thing of the past. Protein Shakes, walking, and good eating are the order of the day.
If you're still working up the street please try and attend, although I know you live farther out from New Castle. But we're still praying for that job change for you. Looks like you had a great holiday too.
God bless,
I wanted to share with you a book that a gal at another support group I go to shared with me....I am starting to use it January 1. Its called DietMinder and it is a deluxe food diary.....Set up is really nice and worth the $15.00. Barnes and Noble had it in the Diet section. I am getting back to the gym too! I feel I need it bad just haven't really had the time to devote to it.
I am done work at 5PM usually....But let me see what the day has in store for me I would love to come and check your meeting out as well. See the people that only come to PMRI once in the blue moon phases of life....Like I do with my Phila support meeting. LOL.
I am sure it will be a good one...You are such a supportive person! You look good too! Or should I say MARVELOUS!
Now put the cookie down!
Morning Faye. You know I'll be there. My topic will be hair, the good and bad. The predictable loss and eventual regrowth. I'll have a special Nioxin gift giveaway. So come, share your journey and maybe you'll get a few recipe's to bring home as well. Put the date on your calendars and Ya'll come. This is so great. ((HUGS)) Elissa
Hi! Great to hear this I live in the Bear area had wls rny lap on 8-31-05 at Barix Clinic in Langhorn Pa.Was so wishing to find support groups in area. Thanks for posting I would enjoy meeting others who have had wls in my area and all the info I can. Thanks again, I will try and make it Debbie Ross aka SLOWTYPER in main chat.
Ahh honey, I SO wish I could be there ... but know I will be pulling for you and working for you in the background. I just know it is going to another huge success!!! Hubby's schedule is horid and only looking worse this coming year. He has added a couple more days of Seminary and clinicals since we last talked. This is his "push" year, finishing up his double masters, completing his clinicals and starting his doctrate along with his current pastorate - not to mention taking care of his family. It appears most of my wl support is going to simply have to be virtual and via phone (thank you guys) for a while longer. But even though I can't make it, trust that my prayers will be with you, today and always!