I'm Back
Hello to everyone,
It's been 11 days since my brachioplasty and abdominoplasty (J cut) and I can finally comfortably use the computer! The actual surgery wasn't as bad as I thought although it really is as painful a recovery as they say. My biggest problems came for the pain meds! I was given morphine and had some bad reactions to it. I even passed out getting up to leave the hospital so they kept me another day.
Then the percoset gave me a lot of nausea which isn't fun
when you've just had abdominal surgery.!
I just saw Elissa's listings for the Jan PMRI meetings and will be driving by then so I can share my scars then!
Thanks so much for the constant encouragment. It really makes a difference !
Love, Kathleen

Kathleen, If you need a ride let me know. I don't live that far from you. Did you want to go to the Aston mtg of Tom Tyler's on the 4th? I'll be driving up that night. I think Debbie wants to go also. We can all hook up and go together to support Tom. Can't wait to hear your recent war story. ((HUGS)) Elissa
I would love a ride there. I got directions from mapquest on how to get there and it's really easy. I'm on the raod behind Booths Corner (Kirk Rd) so I'm right on the wat to Aston. Let me know when my chariot will be arriving! I have a wide driveway like you do so if it's easier to have Debbie meet here that would be fine.
Had my first shower since surgery and it was better than sex!!
Love, Kathleen