Finally !!! MY HUSBAND SPEAKS !!!!!
Hi all. I see nobody did Roll Call today. SHAME SHAME SHAME !!! Ok , I have to tell you everytime I go to the Drs he ask me what my husband thinks about me lossing weight. I have to reply " He doesn't say anything" My husband was totally against me having surgery and when I had complications he would say I knew you shouldn't of had this surgery. Well yesterday I told him we got a Christmas card from a neighbor who only comes down in the summer and she wrote a note. The note said she had talked to my husband and he said I had lost alot of weight and she hoped she still reconized me this summer. My husband asked me how much I had lost now and I told him 110 lbs. He said " I AM REALLY PROUD OF YOU" It took him 8 months to say that, I have to add that to my WOW MOMENT LIST. LOL!!! See all lighter. Joanne
Debbie, I know he is supportive but it was nice to hear it out of his mouth . He is a worry wart. Dr. Granet says he will never forget my husbands face the day of my surgery. He said the look on his face was saying" Please don't do this to her" I can't wait to tell Dr. Granet what he said. When he ask me, as he always does, " WHAT DOES YOUR HUSBAND THINK?" Keep warm. See you lighter. Joanne