****WeDnEsDaY ROLL CALL****
Good Morning Delaware!!!! Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday so far. I am about to go out and take Chloe for a nice long walk. I also have to return some library books and check out some new ones. Chloe loooves going to the library. That is pretty much my day besides cleaning up the house a little. We are having Chloe's 2nd birthday party here on Saturday. I can't believe my baby will be 2 in just 2 days. Where has the time gone??? Well, check in and let me know how you all are doing today.
P.S. Don't forget to pray for Bonnie. She has been having such a rough time!!!
Hello Robyn,
Yes, I am keeping Bonnie in my prayers, she has been through so much, I hope they get to the root of the problem so she can start to enjoy her journey.
My day is going great, I am at work we had our thanksgiving luncheon today. I tried to put a tiny bit of everything on my plate, except rolls and dessert. I managed to try everything it was good! Then we had to go back to work, I would much rather take a nap. After work I am going to the YMCA to walk with my son, he is 16 years old about 6foot 3inches and weighes 230, he decided he wants to buff up!!!!! So he has been lifting weights and walking every other day. I told him I would join him walking, we may try to jog, I think I am ready. Thats about it. Enjoy your evening.
Good Afternoon Everyone, I hope everyone is ready for the bad weather coming our way tonight. I am still trying to get back on east coast time, I always have a bad time with this. I have my EGD tomorrow at Christiana. I am so excited because I know this is one step closer to my surgery. My foot is slowly healing, of course I just love my purple cast...NOT. I am at work now and the travel business is just booming, thank God. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
PS...Vickie I will keep your mother in my prayers, I don't know if I will feel up to it tomorrow after my procedure (even though she doesn't know me) but I know a cheerful face of a stranger always cheers me up.
YAY I can finally post. I was having so much trouble it was giving me the around and around as tech support called it. Well, i did not do anything really today, I went to school tonight, and it is pretty overwhelming Both of my boys made the honor roll They are in 4th grade, so I don't know if they know what that means but I am proud of them. My youngest also had a basketball game tonight at school and his team won. I am so proud of them..Now I have a test to study for from lesson 5-10. Boy wish me luck.