The latest on the Boston Friends of WLS Gathering
This is from Marie, who is the organizer of the gathering:
I am finalizing our keynote speaker and it looks like it is going to be a Plastic Surgeon from the Boston area. He has done a couple of friends and is going another friend in December.
He is coming to speak about the various options out there for us WLS patients and he is bringing his office assistant to discuss insurance issues and how and what the insurance companies will cover. He is also bring a Bariatric Surgeon with him in case any pre-ops or post-ops have any questions about the WLS surgeries.
As soon as I get everything finalized in writing I will post his name and information.
I am very excited about Friends of WLS Boston 2006 gathering. It will be the fourth one in Boston and it is going to be the best one yet. So I hope to see you all there.