Doggie help!
Hi there everyone!!
Does anyone out there have a yellow lab? We have one that's a little over a year old, and I can't stop her from chewing! Sometime during the night she chewed up one of my favorite pair of jeans I had laid out on a chair to wear. Needless to say, when I found my jeans this morning with a huge gaping hole in them, I could have strangled her! She has chewed up one of my rugs in the utility room, and also had the nerve to chew on a chair in the living room. I'm at my wits end with her. Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated. (She has lots of toys to play with, but would rather chew on household stuff.) HELP!!!
I have a Jack Russell Terrier (notorious chewers). When she was still under 2 years old she liked to get in the clean laundary basket and chew up all of my socks. I finally had to put her in a crate at night with only her chew bone. It took several tries of about a week each but she finally learned that if she wanted to stay out of her crate, she couldn't chew on anything but her bones. There's also some really good training books out there. Try Petco. There's a new one on Kirkwood Highway by Kohls.
I have a border collie, who is now 8 years old, and she loved to chew on everything. Finally we have her a strip of suede from an old docksider shoe. SHE LOVED IT. She would play and chew on it all the time. And it didn't kill her. LOL.
She still wants to chew on my coffee table once in a while. She gets a stern talking to for that. Goofy girl!
I know sometime the rawhide bones start to stink when they are chewed on for a long time. Maybe the baby doesn't like the smell???
Good luck
My dog is a german shepard/ st. bernard mix and she used to be a terrible chewer. We ended up putting her in a crate at night to keep her out of things when we couldn'****ch her. That worked for us. She would only chew on toys in her crate and stopped chewing on things around the house. She still has a hankering for my husband's underwear and socks we have to keep her behind a gate when we leave the house. Hope things get better soon...I know it's a pain.

I had a black lab and we had the same problem with her, the rawhide bones would make her turn up her nose, BUT get her a REAL bone, and she was fine, and it lasts longer too... when I say real bone I mean a soup bone, it's straight and has the marrow in the middle still, they try to eat the marrow and then sharpen/grind their teeth on the bones (which is important for them since they keep growing) and then they can reach more marrow... just be prepared to replace it from time to time when the marrow runs out, but it's still a great teether for the larger breed puppies. I'd mention the other trick, but many others already have... crate the pup until they get the hint.