PMRI and other questions
My Husband is looking in to trying for the surgery at Christiana, he was refused at The hospital in Langhorn. What do you have to pay for the PMRI meetings and also the Life Skill Classes? I had my rny done at Langhorn, but My hubby had a stroke a few years ago and I think they are overly cautious, because they don`t have any back up if anything goes wrong( no ICU) I have been on here before and usually no one responds to my Questions, I hope this time its different. Thank You All Lea of Del
I had my surgery done at PA Hospital....Just Nutrition class costs of $200. and of course the other hoops of the preop evaluations before surgery. Dr. Kirkland is good but hard to get appointments with. Ask for first cancellation. Although I have to say the classes that PMRI do are very educational. I attend their support group. I did not know they did surgery at Christiana when I first started looking around. My Dr. gave me two recommendations in Phila and chose Dr. Kirkland. Good luck with information for hubby. Hope all works out for him.
Hello Lea, and hubby. I had my surgery pre-Life Skills at PMRI. Pre $1200. I have Aetna and it paid for everything except the physc evaluation and nutritionist at PMRI. Irmember having co-pays to pay for the Dr.'s, pulminologist, cardiologist & stress test. I was not required to have an EGD before WLS nor did I need a sleep test cuse I was diagnosed with Sleep apnea 8 yrs ago. Things have changed and keep changing. See if you can call PMRI to start the ball rolling. Get as many appointments scheduled as you can. Course you'll need a sleep test if he hasn't already had one. Have you made an appointment at CHRIAS yet? Keep us informed on both your progress and your husbands too. Elissa