I need some more Volunteers for the Picnic!
Hello Everyone and Anyone,
I live in Old Newcaslte, and i am in need of someone else with either an open bed truck or a van thats able to come to my home and help bring the rest of the things for the picnic. I have my company van packed to the top. My address is 402 Chestnut Street, Newcastle, De. 19720. If you can help, email me and i'll give you a number where you can reach me. This way i wont have to make two trips. Any if their is more then one person available, thats fine, i have so many things that need to be picked up at different locations, any help is greatly appreciated.
Kenn, I have a Dakota, but I have to go to NJ in the morning to get my hair permed and I'm not sure if I'll get out of there my noon or not. I will have your address & phone number with my and I'll call when I know what time I can get out of there. I can swing by on my way home and pick up a load. Email me at [email protected].