Rules on meat?
I know some ppl have difficulties with meat, especially red, and that you should buy the leanest, most expensive piece you can afford (tenderness). But what are the rules, I was looking at something online and came across the WLSfriends website, and browsing through there, someone posted no groundbeef until you are 10 months or more out...??
i was gonna have groundbeef tonight 4 dinner, with some shredded cheese and a lil taco seasoing of course pureed up,YUM!
I had pureed porkchop with ducksauce and mashed potatoes last night, was rather tasty. Didn't bother me at all, of course wasn't of the red meat family.
Christina, I started redmeat in the pureed stage and I was fine. Some people have had trouble but I have been eating steak and other redmeat from the beginning as long as I chew it really well. I have been fine. I did have problems with chicken when I started the solid food stage, but I think I wasn't chewing it enough. Now I am fine. Good luck.
No rules Christina. Try it. One week you will tolerate it and the next maybe not. I didn't do well with chicken or hamburger until about 6 months out. I kept trying it every other week. I found the way I cooked it mattered. Chicken is dry. Now I put the chicken in foil and wrap it up with a little cheese and a vegetable. It stays moister that way. I could do chili, but not a meatball or a plain hamburger. It's all about you and what you can eat. Have fun and try to be creative. How are you feeling otherwise? Getting in the proteins? How about H2O? Keep up the great job!! ((HUGS)) Elissa