WOW moment...
I know this isn't directly related to WLS, but it is directly related to me and improving my health so I'm posting it...
I'm sure you know by now that we discovered I have sleep apnea during my pre-surgical testing... Well, last night I slept on the c-pap for the first time and actually slept for 4 straight hours, I haven't done that in years (about 9) I woke up this morning, and my neck isn't stiff, my back is flexible, my shoulders don't hurt, and when I went to stand, I only had minor pain in my legs instead of the shooting horrible pain that makes me collapse sometimes. I feel good enough to exercise... except that I'm still tired! I am still in pain, mostly my hands, knees, and lower back, areas that the psoriatic arthritis has already attacked and started deformation, but after taking my tramadol (pain killlers) that pain is tolerable, although my hands are feeling more and more stiff as the day moves on... but still a HUGE change from yesterday!!!
This is why I'm having the WLS... I want to feel like this without machines, meds, etc... on a regular basis... but I'm now to a point where I won't give up my c-pap without knowing that I can sleep the night without it!! Now the next trick is finding an allergy medication that lasts all night long so I can keep my mask on all night without being too congested...
Huggles all.
Does your cpap have the humidity thing with it? If not then that's what's causing your congestion. Call the company that you got the machine from and tell them you need the humidity attachment. That's what the guy told me when he brought my machine. I don't seem to need it. I haven't been congested yet. But you better believe if it becomes a problem for me I will call them in a heartbeat.
Thanks Dee,
The doctor's office ordered the humidifier for me... or they will be in the near future... They went through a checklist and after discovering that I'm already on allergy meds that should take care of congestion and post nasal drip etc... they said the humidifier might work, so I should have one as soon as it's available and they'll bring it over to show me how it works (not a problem, I like my respiratory therapist, he's cool, so is his gf who comes with him). Not sure if I'll have it tonight, but I'll do my best until I get it! :D
Yeah, I got it from Med Equip, the guy's name was Rich, his fiance/gf whatever she is named Rebecca came along also. They were very nice and Rich was like a kid in a candy store with my mask. I have a special order mask that doesn't irritate my jaw with the straps so he had never seen it before... but he said he's going to try to get the same kind for himself because it's cool LOL... I'm sure Rich and Rebecca will be back... they will be bringing me a humidifier hopefully soon... unless it blocks my head up more I'm looking forward to it!
I'm doing just fine. How are you doing? I see your progress is wonderful! Congrats!!! I'm putting people through the ringer every weeknight here! My partners in crime are doing well. I'm lurking here because someone came to our sleep center and told me she heard about us from this site. I was very pleased. I do like to follow up with our patients from time to time and see if we can do anything else for them, so I'll be lurking in the shadows. hehehe I'm glad your husband is doing fine. Has he already scheduled the first ski date for you two? It's coming quickly if you ask me. Anyway, I have to go. There's a couple CPAP's for me to do tonight. Talk to you later.
She probably heard it from me. I tell everyone about how great you guys are (care to throw me some kickbacks?!? LOL). Hubby and I are planning on going to Lake Placid NY during Christmas this year. We're hoping for Tahoe next year after I've lost all of my weight. I'm also going to try to get a job with him at the Sports Authority to earn some extra money for our skiing habit. I'm down 24 pounds as of this morning. How much weight should I loose before I come back for another sleep study to see if I still need the cpap?
Hmmmm....Kickbacks....I'll pass that on....Hmmmmmm.....hehehe
Great job on the weight loss! It is up to your physician when you should return for your follow-up study (this is my professional stance). If I was just someone you talked to on the street, I would say "wait until you have lost the majority of your weight before returning". I would not want you to come in here before you have lost it all and find out you still need some treatment. Then you lose another 20 lbs. and maybe you don't. To my knowledge, a 20lb. decrease in weight is the general standard in sleep medicine for "significant weight loss". Sometimes that last 20 lbs. is all it takes between requiring treatment and not needing it. Good Luck with that job. I think it will help get discounted gear too, right? Oops, your husband probably already has that discount. Double discount?