Okay... long list but you asked... so I'll type it (and soak my aching hands after!)
1. I collect crayons, yes, crayons... hence the "crayonmommy" email addresses. I have crayons in my home in unopened boxes that are off limits because they are collectors items and retired colors... I know, I'm weird...
2. I do silk floral arrangements
3. I quilt & sew, have 2 sewing machines.
4. I do crafts of all varieties (depending on mood) many involve needlepoint, plastic canvas, paint, children... (body art or getting them involved), usually this is the variety of crafts then end up being gifts for others at christmas.
5. Read, I love to read, but my glasses are broken and I can't right now, it's making me nuts!
6. Biking & Hiking... Hiking can't do because of pain, Biking can't do because of coordination problems while off meds... hoping to get back to both soon!
Beyond that... I just like to have fun. Any way possible... usually involves having good friends around me, but lately I've not had many people around. Hope to change that soon though.