Obesity and Back Problems
I have been thinking about my back and I realize much of the reason I have been allowed in my life to go so long with this back is because of Obesity. Let me explain.
I actually injured my back at age 15. Yes, 28 years ago. I slipped coming down some steps, flew up in the air and the small of my back took the fall when I landed on the corner of the concrete step. It was ugly. I suffered for years and years. I would go along ok and then one morning I would wake up and couldn't get out of bed. There were times I had to have someone come over and dress me and then drive me to see the doctor. Now, as you know, I have been heavy forever. My diagnosis everytime I went to the doctor? That I was fat. Lose weight the problem will go away. For now, take these muscle relaxers and go to bed for a week.
I have been unable to lay on my back for more than 20 years. I have found it impossible to do the back excercises they have given me to do for they all call for you to lay on your back. If you would like to experience what I feel when I lay on my back then go outside and get a plum sized rock. Position it in the small of your back and then lay down. That is what I've felt for all these years. I am also unable to lay on my stomach. The slight sway you get in your back when you do puts me in pain. I lay on my side to sleep. And I have to turn over about every 30 minutes because my back begins to hurt. So needless to say, I've not slept well in all these years either.
For 20 odd years I heard. Lose weight. You have problems because you are obese. I finally asked one Dr to tell me what he would tell a skinny person that came in with this problem. And he told me he could not, for my problem was my weight. I moved to Delaware 8.5 years ago. I have just not mentioned it to my doctor. I gave that up long ago.
Finally, 2 years ago the siatica (sp?) pain down my left leg was so bad and so constant that I made an appointment with my orthopedist (sp again). He did shoulder surgery on me a few years ago and is awesome. He had me get an MRI and looked at the results and found degenerative disc/herniation in my L5/S1. Somehow I felt justified. He sent me to a back surgeon. The surgeon is one that is not quick to jump into doing surgery. A method I appreciated. He sent me to physical therapy. The therapist was great and worked to alter excercises that were meant for laying on your back so I wouldn't have to do that. After 6 weeks of therapy my pain was back to being occasional. Something I had adjusted to years ago so nothing was persued any further.
On July 3rd of this year I was sitting home and realized my leg went to sleep. Not unusual so I just got up to walk it off. When I realized it wasn't going away I made an appt with my PCP for July 6. She examined me and sent me for some blood work and MRI and an EMG. On July 11th I happened to have an appt with my WL surgeon. I mentioned it to him. He checked it out, was a bit stumped and said he could not say it was not from the surgery I just had in March. I told him the steps that were being taken and he told me they would probably put me on steriods. And that he would allow it (I indeed needed his permission), but warned me that steriods and ulcers don't play well together. The next morning was the EMG. Dr. Fischer. He was all business and quick to diagnose and urgent in his manner to get me to understand this needed to be looked in to now. The numbness was already twice as bad as when it started. He called Dr. Elener (my PCP) and she called and got me an appt with neurologist.
That appointment was this past Tuesday. The progression was twice as bad as the week before. After examining me and reading the results of my tests he was basically going to put me on steriods and send me along my way. After an hour appt he then went to read the MRI films himself. When he came back to the office his comment was that the films were under-read. The report from the radiologist said there was no compression. Dr. Munson saw compression. He walked to the offices next door to speak to a neuro-surgeon there. After he explained what he saw in the films and my symptoms and asked if they wanted me started on steroids, Dr. Yalamanchili said yes, start the steriods and I need to see her within a week.
Finally, someone is listening about my back. Finally someone is taking it serious. Finally after 28 years of pain, I did not hear, lose weight, you'll be fine. If it were not so sad, I would be rejoicing. How sad that even doctors can't see past the fat to treat someone. And how sad it took nerve damage to get the process really moving.
I guess I am a bit bitter in some regards. But now the focus has to be, let's get whatever we have to do done. I want to remember what it is like to have no back pain.
Tuesday is my appt. I recieved 50 million forms to fill out in the mail yesterday. And I am heading out to purchase a cane. That will keep me busy today.
Hi Gigee,
The weight loss is about getting healthy, so why shouldn't we get healthy in ALL areas and have normal (or whatever passes for normal in our own corners of the world) lives... With me they found the sleep apnea, so I'm treating it... and looking forward to using my c-pap because I will probably actually feel rested for a change... hey, that has to be worth the inconvenience of wearing a mask to sleep! I'm also looking forward to walking normal distances... having more energy and all of this can be because of the sleep apnea... best attitude to have is to treat everything and get healthy... not "oh great, another problem" no, to me this whole thing is about getting healthy and living life as much as I can and enjoying as much as I can, not vanity... so I will be as healthy as possible and should I be able to fit into a bikini someday without shame... that's a side effect.
You're right, it's sad that they don't take you seriously when you have extra weight... but don't concentrate on that part... think about being pain free... that's the happy side of things!
PS Dr Fischer... is he your neurologist? My daughter's neurologist is named Dr Fischer that's why I'm asking... he's a nice man and I thought he dealt only with children. I'm REALLY hoping that we give her seizure meds a vacation on Aug 4 when I take her in... we'll be able to get an idea if she's outgrown the seizures that way... I really hope she has!!!
That's the same name that my daughter's neurologist has! Is he a skinny, friendly yet all business type guy? With a big nose? LOL... sorry, but it kinda sticks out there a bit.
I don't know Dr Munson...
I'll try to remember to let everyone know if she's outgrown them, but we have to take her off the meds first to find out... she's really hoping to stop taking it, the stuff tastes horrible.
Yeah, he's a great guy, and he's VERY good with kids! My daughter saw him (after about 6 months on the medicine) when he came out to get her for her appointment and she ran to him and gave him a hug... this is the shy daughter that does not like to interact with strangers... She yelled "Dr. Fisssssurrr" (the seizures resulted in her not learning to speak at a normal rate since she was having them every 2-3 minutes) right before grabbing his legs... he just laughed, gave her a hug and told her she just made his day... when she was showing him that she was learning to read, he took a book of hers and read it with her. It was great. I was so happy to see her being like that with someone... the man made a huge difference in her life, when he met her, she was a zombie, staring for a minute or so, then in between being half asleep, then zombie... bad cycle... she didn't even play... now, she's a normal kid...
Sorry, the man has done so much for my baby... no wonder I think he's a great guy huh?
Hi Gigee:
You are right about Drs. not being able to look past that "Fat" or taking anyone with a weight problem seriously! I know this is not related to being over weight, but two years ago my husband who does not have a weight problem and at the time was a pretty healthy guy. Could not walk any distance with out doubling over with extreme pain! He would have pain shoot down his leg and could not sleep at night because of this. The "LAST STRAW" was when he took me to a Rolling Stones concert at the First Union center in Philly. Walking from the parking lot to inside the center had him in such pain that he bent over when we got inside and then looked at me and "said that he did not want to live with this pain, he could not stand it any longer"! He made an appontment with First State Orthopaedics and saw Dr. Rudin. Come to find out he actually had fractures in two bottom disc in his back. My husband's line of work is a gasoline tank driver for Getty. over the years lifting the heavy hose lines and carring them to the fill tanks caused these fractures. He told my husband the surgery was very serious, but he said that if he did not think he could fix this porblem then he would not do the surgery. He had the surgery and was off work for 6 months, but he thanks Dr. Rudin each day and highly recommends him. I hope this information can be of some help!
I feel for you Gigee, I went through the same kind of treatment before surgery, with my feet and knees, they would always say well, you really need to loose some weight. I even went to a weight doctor one time, you know the kind who gives you pills and sends you on your way. He told me to try to exercise, but take it easy because I am soooooo big I might hurt my self. I was so upset by that comment I never went back. And he was a sloppy looking short fat man, and he is telling me to be careful because I am so big I might hurt myself.
I also worry about my daughter who is 18 and she is a big girl, she has feet problems, and that is the first thing our pcp says, talks about her weight and how she needs to diet and exercise.
So, I am glad that you are finally getting the help you need after all these years, and sorry you had to wait so long.
Keep us posted on how you are doing. Take care, Dana