BIKINI pic finally posted!!!
"I posted this on the main board but wanted to share it with my friends here as well."
Okay, so I was 4 at the time
But working very hard to get back into one!!! Currently wearing a TANKINI (never thought that was possible again), but here I am wearing one! So I figure perhaps the day will come when I can (not necessarily will) fit back into something a bit more revealing!
I have certainly come a long way from the days of size 28-32 and not being able to get out of bed because of the unbelievable pain!!! A long way from the days when I refused to wear anything cool in the summer because it just might show some skin, and put me at the mercy of others less kind. I am becoming a woman confident in the skin I am in, albeit not perfect by a long shot, but finally getting comfortable. There have been many times on my journey where I have felt on some levels a failure as I have not done as well as some. But finally reality has slapped me in the face ... I am not on someone else's journey, I am on Tammy's journey. Ya know? All that comparing, as hard as I tried not to do so, caused me great discomfort with myself, even after I lost a great amount of weight, simply because I had not lost like Friend X, Y or Z!!! How silly is that???
Anyway, I have finally been able to put all that behind me and keep my eyes focused forward!!! And truly it is a whole NEW and WONDERFUL world!!!
Just wanted to share that this morning in the hopes that someone else can avoid the "comparison game" and all the feelings of inadequacy that can go along with it!!!
Wishing each of you a WONDERFUL day and a day of loving yourself, regardless of your size. Love yourself enough to look in that mirror and say something positive to yourself, instead of all that negative talking that we can so often do. You are beautifully and wonderfully made!!! And quite honestly if there is one thing I have learned on my journey thus far, it truly is a shame that I allowed my skin and size to define who I was for so many years! That I allowed my fear of rejection to cause me to hide. I allowed the unkind chatter of those around me to define what kind of day I was going to have. I was the same person then that I am allowing to surface now ... but for me personally, I have wasted so many years allowing others to control me!!! So if you are like me, stop hiding, stop allowing others to think yourself less than you are and allow the world the blessing of meeting "WONDERFUL YOU"!!!
Hugs and
Dimples, Tam Tam, TT, and who knows what other name I have tagged along the way!

Ummm, to tell you the truth, if I had a little girl, she would NEVER ever wear something quite this skimpy!!! What was my mother thinking???
Just thought it would be fun for a change!
BTW - buy that bikini this season when they go on clearance and put it up in your kitchen near the fridge ... talk about incentive!!!
Have a great day!

Yeah, I think that might be a little TOOOOO tiny for a little girl... I personally LOVE that my daughters picked out tasteful, modest swimsuits for themselves that didn't cost an arm and a leg! I got both for $20... but their father hasn't brought them back to me for some reason... argh
Wonderfully said, Tammy and sooooo true. I am finally getting to where I can look in the mirror or at a picture of myself and like what I see. And cute picture!!!! I don't think I was ever in a bikini, as a teenager I always had to buy the bathing suits that looked like dresses. But that never stopped me from enjoying the water, I love to swim.
Take care, Dana
I love ya girl! You are such an inspiration. I know you will be a bikini babe.
Please help it rub off on me. I am my own worst enemy. My bathing suit is a tankini top and boardie shorts that come to the knee. I can't get past the wrinkly skin thing. I despise my thighs. (hey that rhythmes) All someone has to do is look at me and I fall apart. I'm wearing a petite 2 or a junior 3 to 5. Why can't I accept this and be happy. I can make myself totally upset. I've kicked the exercise up a notch hoping that will help.
I'm going to remember this post and maybe it will guide me through the rough days.
Best wishes,
Oh sweetie ... I so know how you are feeling. Truly it is so easy to look in the mirror and see all the faults and imperfections than it is to see all that is good and pure. Why do the faults stand out so readily and hide the good?
My little guys are in need of me at the moment, but I will be back to finish this post as soon as I can or email you directly. In the interim, know that truly I know how you are feeling, been there and done that.