Hoping for a better day...........
Hi everyone.............
I know some people posted in the past few days about having difficulties : I just wanted to let them all know that there are many people praying that they find better times. I, myself have had some medical issues that are being resolved, and I know I find comfort from my OH friends. Keep up the good work.
Hope to see some of you at the PMRI meeting this Sat. Bonnie Miller (I will definetaly see you)
hello bonnie so glad to see you post you made my day and yes i am doing alot better today thank you some much for your love and support and most of all prayers.i love ya all.and i will be there tomorrow see ya then sweetie take care my friend,your friend bonnie .............yes everyone on here lets always keep on another in prayer and keep posting also on here to give support and if you need anything please vent and we all are there for you love ya your friend bonnie