Location Change for Thursday
I have been notified by the church, that this Thursday that the church will be with out electricity and water. So we decided instead of canceling HEALTHY BEGINNINGS SUPPORT GROUP, that we would meet at Elissa Hart's house. Elissa's address is 2603 Ebright Road Wilmington, DE 19810. Her number is 302-475-0950 home, 302-528-7242 cell. You can call her or go on map quest to get directions. Her house is less than 10 minutes from the church. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please spread the word.
Debbie Cox is going to give her testimonial. The topic is Body Image. Bring a before picture of yourself and a snack (if you want).
Any questions, contact me at 610.322.8282.
hey nicki how ya doing girlfriend.thank you for the info.hey did you go and look at the website for the bracelets and if you did what kind did you get lol.nicki what happens to us the ones who can't get plastic surgery done due to insurance won't pay it,do we just have to suffer with the excess skin that is awful.that is what i'm afraid of.and i know just like me i can't afford it out of my pocket.so where do we go from here?i know i still have awhile to go but i was wondering now lol,you know me worry wart lol well see ya soon at doctor's office or one of the meetings your friend bonnie