Has this happened to you?
Just got back from PMRI. Had my final physical with their endecronlogist (sp?). Everything went well. He would've cleared me for surgery on the spot but the other doctors have not sent in their reports and test results yet. I had my bloodwork done at the Limestone Medical Labcorp 3 weeks ago and they never faxed the results; Dr. Pastore had not sent his cardiology report, and Dr. Ishmael had not sent over his Pulminology report nor have I heard from him about getting my cpap machine, even though my last sleep study was almost 2 weeks ago. Has anyone out there had similar problems? If so, what did you do? I've checked my claims on the BCBS website and everyone has been paid weeks ago so money is not the problem. This is so frustrating!!! I want to get my paperwork in soon in case BCBS denies me I'll have time to fight them and get approval before my July 13th surgery date. Plus I want that machine so I can finally get a good night's rest and not feel so exhausted when I get home from work every day!
Sorry that this is happening to you. When I went on Friday all my papers were there, plus I had asked labcorp to send me a copy of my blood results, which they did and I took them with me just in case they had not made it into my folder there. I would definitly get on the phone to those doctor's offices. It looks like it is there mistake. I had different doctors then you did. Call, call, call until you get some answers. The squeaky wheel get the oil.
Call lab corp @ (302) 655-5227X 7000, and give the lady your name and date of your test and she will tell you if it was faxed and where you can get a copy and fax it to them yourself. I know I hate, this part! I have amerihealth however I heard BCBS is the fastest to give approvals!
Good luck 2 u!