re: Healthy Beginnings Mtg
Hope everyone enjoyed the meeting as much as I did. Those macadamia cookies were great weren't they? Welcome to all the new faces. It is so awesome to see the old ones. We are all morphing into such beautiful butterflies. We are soooo lucky in Delaware. We can attend a meeting just about once a week at different locations. This is the best group.
Continued best wishes for a healthy happy day to all.
ps Still on my Hawaii High minus the beach.

Hey Elissa,
The Healthy Beginnings Meeting is great! I've been there from meeting #1 -- as you, Rob and Nicki know -- and I cannot thank you guys enough for starting it! I look forward to all the great ideas and encouragement we share. It definitely keeps me motivated! I also enjoy catching up with those people I already know and meeting new members.
If you have any info on the St. Francis group can you post it here? (Or anyone else that might know!?!) I'm in total agreement with you about support sessions. I think the more groups you can attend, the better! It's a great motivator to cheer on your accomplishments and get help with your struggles.
By the way, you look great all tan and sunkissed hair! It was touch and go if I had to "hate" you for having such a lovely vacation but NAH, that would be impossible!
Well, that's about it! Oh no, one more thing! Those of you at the meeting might remember I was AGH and confused about my on-going job search. Yesterday I literally fell into an opportunity that would be perfect for me! I won't go into the details but let's just say it was so freaky how it came together I thought I was in the Twilight Zone! I am so excited and can't wait to get my resume, etc. together. So all my buddies out there, please keep your fingers, toes, eyes, legs -- whatever -- crossed that I get through this with a happy outcome.
Kit :>)