Choosing a Multi-Vitamin
Hello to all you "LOSERS"!!--
I have a question..I know that it has been asked before but here I am asking once again...What exactly are the components I should be looking for when choosing a multi-vitamin? Here are the Supplement facts to the one I just bought and was wondering if this was a good choice?? These supplement facts are for 1 Tablet..and was considering taking 2!!
Vit.A=2500 IU
Vit.D=400 IU
Vit.E=30 IU
Vit.K=80 mcg
Vit.B-1=1.9 mg
Vit.B-2=2.125 mg
Niacin=25 mg
Vit.B-6=2.5 mg
Folic Acid=400 mcg
Vit.B-12=7.5 mcg
Pantothenic Acid=12.5mg
Calcium=300 mg
Iron= 18 mg
Magnesium= 50mg
Zinc= 15mg
Selenium=70 mcg
Copper= 2mg
Manganese= 2mg
Chromium= 150 mcg
Hi Missy,
I am 13 months out and have been taking Flinstones Complete since the beginning. Sometimes I will use the walmart or the Food Lion brand equivilent. I tke 3 a day and have had perfect blood work to date. Unless the quality of my bloodwork changes, I will stay with this. It's simple, inexpensive and gets the job done so far. Vitamins seem to be a very individual thing as far as what works for you and taste preferences, good luck in your journey!

I like Linda believe that each of our bodies is fairly unique so what works for one person may not be adequate for another. I am nineteen months out and have great blood work all along. I take the Optisource Vitamins, plus supplement those with some Centrum Chewable Calcium. You need to make sure you are getting sufficient levels of B-12, Calcium, Chromium, (other Bs), Biotin, Iron, and Maganesium. Your surgeon should have given you what their minimum recommended vitamin levels. If not call one of the nutritionists at PMRI. Also you need to make sure you spread your intake of your vitamins throughout the day. If you take them all in the morning your body is not as likely to absorb them as well as is does taking them throughout the day. Lastly, make sure you get that blood work done every three months during the first eighteen months after surgery, and then every six months. That way if a problem develops your PCP will be quick to get you on the right path. Some of the vitamin deficiency is recoverable, but some like lack of B-12 can cause irrepable(?) nerve damage, low magnesium levels can cause heart damage. Not an area to overlook!