re: Home and catching up
Aloha everyone. I'm home, jet lag and sleep depravation over. PC is up & running again. Working 3 days a week. I am loving life. My cup runneth over. Not to mention my bronze glowing tan and cholerine, sun-bleached hair. New pic's coming soon.
Okay. 1st Hello to all you newbies. Who are you?????? Was I gone that long?? I have been reading messages for a couple days. Welcome everyone.
Tina, Linda, Nicki, Sandy & Val. Gosh I missed you all. Wished you 5 had come to Hawaii with me. Anyone want to learn how to Hula? Gonna give lessons. Tina looks a little like Frankenstein's bride. Once the PS stiches heal you are gonna look HOT BABY!!!! I am soooo jealous.
Will miss Nicki at the Support Group Meeting this Thursday night:
Healthy Beginnings. Concordia Lutheran Church, Silverside Rd, Wilmington. 7PM. Email or call if you need info. 475-0950. [email protected].
Shay, about your new pic. I did not recognize you at first. I had to look up your profile to make sure it was you.
Dimples, New name. Checked the profile. OMG you look fabulou****ammi
SOOOOO sorry I missed Penny & Julie's Big day. I really wanted to help you guys. I know you were both taken care of. Thanks to Val & Nancy.
Susane, call me and we can go over some travel tips. I am full of stuff and ideas. Be glad to share. I'll get the beads to you next meeting. Congrats on your success. Easy don't ya think?
Diane, Hope you are doing better. Sorry I wasn't home for you. WOW, I feel like I missed a ton of stuff.
Hi Kitty, Debi, Vernette and Gigee. Hope to see everyone at the next PMRI meeting. Panera's & Trader Joe's anyone??
Rob got a new job. Go Rob. You are truely "THE MAN" Rob. Jim, Ken & Joe are too.
This is such an awesome group of friends. Glad to be home. I have lots of tips on traveling for 34 days. How to survive an 11 hour plane ride. So email or call if you need some hints.
Got results from my 2nd sleep study done in March. I still have apnea events. The incidents dropped in half. My cpap machine can be reset to a lower level. I feel lucky to know this new information. How many people don't know and suffer from low oxygyn levels? I feel responsible for lowering my events with the WLS and will continue to monitor myself. Hope it goes even lower in the future.
I know I missed a few people, so I apoligize in advance. It was the long flight. Kinda works on the long & short term memory. Just a little premature senility folks.

Hey Elissa!!!! Glad to see you back on the boards. I so enjoyed your phone call last week. That meant a lot to me. I am trying to route my children around so that I can be at the next PMRI meeting. Panera's and Trader Joe's sounds good. Wonder what I can get pureed? LOL Any ideas?
Doing well besides my heart rate. Keeping a close eye on me.
Okay I know I failed to mention a few more. Dana I just saw some pic's that had your name on them. Gosh girl you look sooooooo different. Glamourous is all I can say for the new you. I love your hair too Missy.
I missed CJ, Karen, Franca, Mamasita, Mishelle, Carole, Mama Mama, Pat, Ellen, Joni, Debbie Cox, Dwight & Cynthia. So sorry. How could I. Believe it or not, I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I know that each and everyone of you guys are the best. I just looked at some pic's on the MSN site and WOW. The changes are wild. This is the greatest jouney, I am sooooooo glad and proud to know you and say you are my friends.
WOOOOOOOWWWWWWW. You guys are so gorgeous.

Welcome Back, E. So glad to hear from you. I was floored when I was at the library posting and my cell phone rang and it was YOU -- calling from Hawaii. That's why I was talking so low, I was on the internet and next to people working on stuff. When I said "OMG I can't believe you are calling me from Hawaii" the guy across from me laughed out loud, tee hee. I'm so glad you had the opportunity to take that long trip. 34 days is great, even though I wasn't much on the boards, I missed you. You are such an awesome, caring person and quite an inspiration. It is so heartwarming to see you enjoying life to it's fullest. If the kids baseball is canceled, I may hop out to the meeting tonight as I miss everyone.
I'm back to work 6 hrs per day this week. I still have to have daily blood tests done (ouch). I see Dr Irgau today. My clot has dissolved, but my pt/inr are still not therapeutic yet. I'm not as strong as I was before this last surgery. I was working out once or twice a day then and haven't been cleared to work out yet due to the clot -- so I am still a little weak. But, all in all, doing well.