Sleep Study
Hey All,
Not so good news coming from my end, the
sleep study I had been waiting months for....came and went
I barely slept a wink, and to add salt to that the staff acted as if I was the only person that had never slept well, that felt GREAT! Not very supportive people at Christiana, and then .....she riped the electrodes off my body and out of my hair like some mad women.....not pleasent at all.
I feel bad enough about not sleeping, just means i have to do it again
not to mention I had a rough day at work the next day. Did anyone else have a bad experience, or lack of sleep there...could use some encouraging words...

They were very sarcastic to me also and I gave it right back to them. When they told me I didn't sleep well and I snored and stop breathing all night long, I said, "No S--t sherlock what do you think I am doing here?"
The next time when I went back and used the c-pap machine, I slept much better and we all were much more pleasant in the morning.
I love my c-pap machine but am looking forward to maybe being able to give it up after my surgery. Good Luck, Ellen

I guess Christiana is the only place I haven't had a sleep study...I have had OSA since 1984....not treated all those years but knew about it....I got worse and worse until in 1998 I saw Dr who told me if I waited another month or so I would have been dead. I was bad....My earlier studies I didn't sleep well...I was miserable after them...I still am! I hate the wires and cannot get comfortable in someone elses bed. Its a tough test to get through and its a shame you had crappy techs. Did they happen to give you a review sheet of them to fill out? U of PA does and well if I have a bad tech my ratings show it!!!! Last few I have had have been extremely good. Don't take what they say personnally...they are surfing without sleep all night to watch you. I think its a tough job...although I am not defending rude people! If you don't like the service complain otherwise nothing will change.
T T.
on 5/10/05 9:36 pm
on 5/10/05 9:36 pm
My hubby has had a few sleep studies. He had one where he could barely sleep. So please don't be upset too much, as you are not alone. At the first study my husband had, they told him it was more often than not that someone has trouble sleeping long enough in that setting to get a good result with their first test. They highly recommended that he bring his own pillow, and anything else that would make him feel more at home. They also recommended that he not be hungry, nor overly full. To try to have a relaxing day (at least not full of stress) before hand and try to get in some outdoor time before the test.
Sure do hope things go better at your next test.
I had my first one done down at the new facility in Middletown. Really super nice people.
They had 2 guys working that night and I can't say enough nice things about them. They chatted with me the whole time they were hooking me up and when I had to get up in the middle of the night to pee, all I did was say I'm up and they were there in an instant. It started off as well as possible (with all those wires) but then I got hot and had to pee. I asked them to turn on the air that I can't sleep when it's too hot. They did and I did fall asleep but sometime after that the air went off and I woke up again. I was diagnosed with apnea but I have to go back and have another study done tonight so they can get more data on me to calculate how much assistance I'll need during surgery. I HIGHLY recommend the Middletown facility if anyone else has to do this and definately bring your own pillow! I'll let you know tomorrow how my 2nd study goes.

Hi Christina!
Had my 2nd study done Wed night down in Middletown (I live in Wilmington and the commute is worth it!). Things went very well. They used the CPAP machine on me and I slept very well. Steve and Dave were there again (I believe they work tue & wed nights) and are both still dollbabies! Dave told me that I have been stopping breathing on average about once a minute which is moderate to severe apnea. I should be getting my own home CPAP machine as soon as the reports are filed & reviewed by Dr. Ishmael. Again, I highly recommend the Middletown facility and booking a night that Dave & Steve are working. They really make an uncomfortable situation as plesant as possible. (geez, listen to me, no wonder my husband wanted to drive me there and check them out!!! He He He!
Good luck next time!