The bet is ON!
After Susane told us how hot she was in that prom dress I challenged her to wear it to the next PMRI meeting she would be attending. She said she would if I did.
I told her if she wore that prom dress that I would wear the clown face, pigtails and big ol leopard print robe from my picture.
Tosses down the gaunlet.
Pick it up Susane!! I dare you!

So far so good. I've found out that I have damage to my esophagus from years of reflux. Dr. Modi put my on Prevacid. Miracle Drug! Haven't had to chew a tums in almost a month. Cardiologist said my heart was fine, but my BP was high, did great on my PFT, like 95% or something (boy am I glad I quit smoking 15 years ago), PMRI nurse recommended that I see my PCP about BP so I did. Just started on Diovan today to get my pressure down before surgery. I have sleep apnea but because I woke up several times (to pee & it got too hot for me to sleep) I have to go back and do another this Wed night. I don't mind, those guys who work in the Middletown center and absolute dollbabies! My husband thinks he might have to drive me there and make sure he has nothing to worry about! He He He, what a pumpkin he is! Oh well, doesn't hurt to keep him on his toes! My cholesterol is good (184) but my tryglicerides were a little high but nothing to worry about. I go back to the gyno this Friday to see what he wants to do about these whacked out periods. I have 2 more Life Skills classes then my check out appointment is on the 23rd. I also have an appointment with a podiatrist that same day because I sprained my ankle last Sept and I think I have plantars faschiatis (sp?) in my left foot. My psych eval. went well but she said that she thought that because I hadn't been on any supervised diets in the past 4 years that I needed to see a dietitian (which wouldn't have been covered by insurance), I cancelled that appointment and when they called to find out why I told them about the diet pills, laxatives, starvation, attempted bulimia that had failed in the past 4 years. They haven't called back. They had said the exact same thing to 2 other ladies in my class (one on the same day, she was the very next patient!) so we think it's just a $$ thing. I've heard that the BCBS PPO plan usually approves these things as soon as the paperwork is submitted, so I'm not worried about that anymore. Now I can just relax (that is after my little girls dance recital next weekend) and take care of myself till the surgery.