Once Upon A Time...(your long overdue update)
Dear Friends and Intimate Strangers-
First, I apologize for my absence and tardiness in updating anything and from my virtual disappearance! There are so many new names and faces of folks I'm looking forward to meeting asap. Gigee has been diligent in requesting updates through our mutual friend and he HAS passed on the messages!
Second, excuses: Our computer at home has caught a serious infection of some undiscernable quality and has been rendered almost completely defunct...and I got myself in over my head by diving back into work so whole-heartedly! The 8+ weeks off was delicious, but now we're back with only twenty some school days left and there's SO MUCH left to teach these eager young monkeys!
NOW, thirdly, the meat of the update-
I'm doing wonderfully. I'm not paying much attention to the "numbers" or the "sizes", as I promised myself I wouldn't before this adventure began, but I'm almost out of clothes that fit...or at least that don't look absurd on me and that's delightful. I'm receiving positive feedback every day from colleagues and students and friends alike. I had to buy a new dress to chaperone the prom (and, in my own humble opinion, I was frickin' HOT...Gigee, you should ask Karl for the picture!). I figure that my highest weight was reached last summer and was around 320. I'd gotten it down to 300 by December 1st when my PRMI class began, and I was at 280 on my surgery date. At the last weigh-in I was hovering right around 230...a number I don't even remember ever being on the scale since I stopped watching the dial rise and spin from about 210 until 260! The last time I was this size was approximately eight years ago! Fantastic!
I'm not having problems getting in protein or fluid (never below 65g or 68oz), though working days are much more difficult than restful days. This month of May is going to speed by...and the day school is out, my partner and I fly to Wisconsin for her brother's wedding...even though the family hasn't spoken with her in over ten years. Keep us (her) in your prayers during that event. The day we fly back into Philly, I leave for a thirty-five day tour of Europe with a bunch of kids from school! Any travel tips would be much appreciated! I'm not exercising as much as I think I ought to be, but making the time for disciplined work-outs is so so SO not a priority of mine! I just can't get excited about it.
I'm still making and selling bracelets and would glady accept your orders or requests...(or payments if you still owe me from forever ago! I received an empty and opened envelope in the mail with no return address but from PA somewhere, so if you mailed a check and it hasn't been cashed, please contact me or mail it again!). My e-mail account can now be accessed, but respnoses may not be immediate.
All in all, this has been a great trip. I haven't been ill on anything I've tried to consume, I'm feeling fantastic, and apparently I'm starting to look well too....unless my friends are lying!
I hope everyone's well and I'm slowly making my way through old posts to catch up on all the news. Much love and thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers!!

(((((((((((((((((( Susane ))))))))))))))))))))) gf I am so glad to actually hear an update from YOU! Though I love Karl to death, he's just not you lol.
I am going to ask Karl for that picture. Hey, even better, after you get back from abroad.... wear the prom dress to the next support meeting
Wonderful to see you and I am glad you are doing so well, I'm proud of you! AND... your friends would NEVER EVER lie to you!

I am so proud of you. I have been wondering what you have been up to. Girl, you know you're HOT!
I had my friend's father say to me this afternoon (he & my friend have not seen me since WLS) "Wow you are really a beautiful woman! Wonder what that made you before?" I said "Hot" and "Now I'm Foxy Hot" We all got a laugh!
How are the shrimps & cats?
Miss you! XOXO
PS~ It's offical... Dave & I are engaged!

Hey There Susane,
Great to see you are back among "us"! I was also beginning to worry. You have a lot planned so -- you go girl! I am also glad that you are doing so well!
I am lucky too. No problems so to speak of and I just had my 9 month checkup with Dr. Iragu yesterday. He is pleased with my progress and basically says to keep on doing what I am doing. (Except for all the worrying I do, remember I am a MAJOR worrier!). I cannot believe I am 110 pounds lighter than when I started all of this!!! I am still plugging along with my career goals to get into teaching but I have to admit I've been dragging my feet. I figure now I won't get employed until the Fall, but I know I should get moving ASAP anyway!
Again, glad to see you are doing so well! TAKE CARE!