I'm New to this Board
Hi everyone. I just registered on this board the other day. It's nice being able to read the messages posted from people in my own area.
I'm scheduled for Lap RNY on July 13, 2005 with Dr. Irgau (what a sweetie!). I'm halfway thru my PMRI classes and have found them to be very informative and helpful. We did our taste tests this week, I was very impressed with the things that they gave us to try. Now I know that my pureed phase should go well.
I have my "check-out" appointment on the 23rd. My psych eval went well except they wanted me to see a dietition because I hadn't "tried hard enough". I eventually canceled that appt because it wouldn't have been covered (that really hurt since I have to pay $1200 out of pocket to PMRI already and they told me that the final DR appt might not be covered, so I still might have to pay for that one too). When they called me back to try to convince me to go to the appointment I told them that I had tried everything including: trying (but not succeeding) to induce vomiting, laxatives, trimspa, carb-blocker, stacker 2 with ephedra, 2 trys of weigh****chers, 2 trys with nutrasystem, 1 try with Jenny Craig, cabbage soup diet, starvation, etc. since I was 15 years old, and never to again tell me that I hadn't tried hard enough! I was PO'd!
Anyone else get that crap at the PMRI. I mean, here I am at only 41, 130 pounds overweight, being evaluated for high blood pressure, on prevacid because at my EGD they found damage to my esophogus (sp?) from years of reflux, diagnosed with sleep apnea, and snoring like a truck driver to the point where it's affecting my relationship with my husband, my knees and ankles ache and I think I have planters faschiatas (sp?) of my left foot to the point that some mornings when I get up I practically have to crawl to the bathroom because it hurts so bad, and don't let me even get into what my periods are doing!!!
Anyway sorry for the rant. Has anyone had any trouble with getting the surgery with BCBSDE PPO? Haven't had any problems yet but who knows and I'd like to be prepared just in case.
Thanks for listening!

First of all, let we welcome you and congratulate you on this big step in your life.
I have BCBSDe PPO, and I had no trouble with them at all, in fact, I had my surgery, was home recovering and got a letter in the mail stating they approved my surgery and I could have it.
We are always here when you need to vent, so please don't worry about it. Congratulations and God Bless!!

Hi Dee! Welcome to the boards! Oh lordie that cabbage soup diet. Been there!
PMRI worked with me pretty much and I didn't meet one of their requirements but after discussion they passed me. So stick to your guns if you know you are right and I think you'll find that on "some" things, they will work with you.
I have BCBSDE but my company is self insured so some rules may differ. I had no problems at all with my insurance.
Again... welcome!

HI Dee!
Welcome to the boards and congrats on having a date. I have BCBS/Empire Blue PPO. NO issues, no problems, quick approval. Again, it has to do with your employers and the insurance companies, there are many different types of insurances, even though they appear to be the same. So call them and ask what there criteria is. Don't be shy and keep sticking up for yourself..after all, who else will?
Take care and keep in touch!

T T.
on 5/8/05 1:58 pm
on 5/8/05 1:58 pm
Welcome to the DE Board! So much of your medical history sounds so familar with how mine used to read. The knee pain, crawling to the bathroom because of the pain in my feet, etc etc. Don't have any real answers for you, just know that I understand the frustration of dealing with these things and feeling the need to get it taken care of sooner than later. Wishing you the best!