Updates on Julie, Gawjus, Mike, Karen and Kenn
I've just gotten home from visiting some of our family that have just had their surgeries. Here are some updates
Julie's surgery went well yesterday and she is up and around and a walking machine. Her pulse rate is a bit high so they checking her out to make sure everything is ok. The Leak Test came back fine wohoooo. Tonight at 8:30 they are going to do a PET Scan on her. Pray this also comes out well for her! She will be calling me with an update. She is a bit stressed for information was just kinda laid on her quickly. Dr. Peter's did come in and reassure her. (Have I mentioned he's wonderful and my favorite?) I will update again once I hear from her. It looks like she will be going home tomorrow.
Simply Gawjus aka Kimberly Hairston Room 3025 B
Kimberly's surgery was today and completed about 2:30 so they have not got her up and walking yet. But soon. She looks great! And she IS simply gawjus! I'll be peeking in on her tomorrow and will give another update then.
Let's send in the clown for her!
Mike Miller
Mike's surgery was yesterday and he is doing great. He and Julie and I did a lap around the nurses station together. He should be going home tomorrow!!
Kenn Miller
As of 7:30 Kenn was still in the surgical area and had not been assigned a room yet. I understand from Karen that he was the hit of the lifeskills class and that the first thing he did was get rid of his refrigerator all together (this guy I have to meet! he sounds like a hoot). I'll check back on him tomorrow.
Karen Bacon 3031 (i think I remember that correctly)
If you remember, Karen posted a while back that she was scared going into this surgery (her surgery was yesterday). 2 surgeon's had turned her down before Dr. Peter's accepted her. Here is a link to her post: http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/state-forums/DE/postdetail/17531.html?vc=0
Karen has almost many co-morbidities related to being obese. She also has chronic back pain. Her surgery went well...
They have discovered a blood clot right around where her pouch and stoma attach and she is being treated for this. Her surgery was Tuesday and she is still NPO. They will be repeating the scan on her tomorrow. One that involves Iodine, something that she has reactions to. She is not doing well with the pain medication either. It makes her sick to her stomach and has thrown up some after taking it as well.
I'll never forget when she said. Dr. Peter's has given me a chance to save my life. If I die now, at least I died trying.
My friends, she looks good, but it is very apparant she is in a lot of pain. I don't know how bad things are, but she is in this as a fighter! Let's help her fight! Pray for her. Encourage her and then pray for her again.
And let's send her the clown!!