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T T.
on 5/4/05 9:13 pm
on 5/4/05 9:13 pm
Mary Ann,
Welcome! It is so good to have you aboard! Congratulations on your soon surgery. Your liquid diet is only a couple of days away ... the hardest part for me was the middle of the first day. After that the hunger went away. Hope it goes as easy for you. Stay well hydrated, (lots of fruit 2O and chicken broth worked well for me). Make sure you get those all important before surgery pictures and body measurements to have on hand at home to help you see your loss if and when you mind starts to play tricks on you. Oh and make sure you pack chapstick to take to the hospital with you. It was the cheapest and best little insurance policy I ever bought! There ya go, all the information and advice you never asked for rolled up in one little paragraph!
Sorry, it is just the mama gene deeply ingrained in me!
Again, congratulations!!! Wishing you the very best journey possible!!!