St. Francis
Hey everyone,
Yeah... for those of you who have seen my name before, I am still here!!
I am in a doctor rut, had to wait 2 months for the pulmonologist and then 2 more months for the sleep study....which is very soon.. thank gawd!! haha
However in the mean time i am trying to get some other things done....when i spoke to St. Francis MONTHS ago (when i was on a roll) they gave me lots of names and numbers (i.e internist (dunno?) and a psychologist, their nutrinist). What I am wondering is can i see the psychologist b4 i see the nutrinist (b/c this cause money I don;t have at the moment and they said they don;t take insurance for this
and what is a internist.....
thanx guys
P.s one day i swear i'll get to a meeting and meet ya'll

Hi Christina, I had my surgery at St. Francis and you can go in any order you wish. I saw Mary Ellen, who is the head of it, and she gave me a list of doctors who I had to contact to get my work done. Then if you wish to make an appt. for the nutrionist you can. Anja is the nutrionist and will want to see you a couple of times before surgery. But again, you can go in any order you wish except for the final Doctor for approval. You will see him last. My insurance, BCBS, covered all my appointments with the doctors. Hope this helps. Good luck. Rhonda
Thanx, yeah i have spoken to mary ellen a view times and had several scheduled apts with her, however she called and cancled seems we could never get a good time frame together. The guy i talked to there, mike clancey ? gave me the names and numbers, he said (i think) blair morris, for pysch, but i checked my insuanrabnce company they cover a robert morris same phone number.... any of those name ring a bell with you??
I got my list out and I do have Blaine Morris for the Psychologist. I think you have to ask for him but that is not who did my evaluation. I can't remember the name of the person who did. Sorry. But that is the right information and name. I went to Pastore for Cardiologist, Vasile for Pulmonologist, then Blaine Morris and then final doctor is Alex Bianchi. Hope this helps. Good Luck, Rhonda.