Doing well
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm doing well. I've progressed on to pureed foods this morning. Oatmeal never tasted so good!
I'm a little taken aback by being such a gas machine these days, too bad we can't refine it into something that can run my SUV...we'd make a fortune!
Linda, the Spicy V8 works beautifully for the Actigall, I don't taste it at all!
The Lovenox shots don't hurt at all, just a little sting from the alcohol.
I'm learning the communication methods of my new little pouch, she tells me when she's hungry, tells me when she's full, and really tells me when I've taken too big of a sip or a bite!
I have very little pain, mostly the muscles around my drain area now, but every day it's getting better. I did forget that I had sutures yesterday when I got out of the shower and began vigorously drying my abdomen...ouch, that stopped immediately. I think the word that came out of Jenn's mouth was dumba$$.
Thanks again to everyone for your cards, gifts, flowers, emails, thoughts and prayers. Please keep in touch!
(((((((((((((( Joni ))))))))))))))))) I am happy to hear things are going so well for you! Spicy V8? That's like my treat from heaven. I"m loving it!
Let me know if there is anything I can do for you or pick up for you and deliver. You and Jenn have been a rock for me. I would love the opportunity to be there for you both.