Please Read - Posting For Dianne
T T.
on 4/28/05 1:16 am
on 4/28/05 1:16 am
Hi all,
Just got off the phone with Dianne and she wanted to relay a message to you all. Her computer at home is not doing well so she has not been able to reply online, but is at times able to view. At any rate, she really wanted to thank everyone for their concern, phone calls, hospital emails and etc. She sends her love and gratitude to each of you and really wanted to thank each of you personally, but with her computer, she was not able to do so. She did not want anyone to think that she was ignoring them. We know better Dianne!!! You are far too sweet and caring!
For all who have been concerned, she was admitted to the hospital a couple of weeks back and was hurting pretty badly. Found out that her problem while problematic was not WLS related. But assured me that we NEED to LISTEN to Tina, our bodies, and all who went before her when they say "IF you have pain, get to the Doc - PRONTO!" Dianne agrees that there have not been truer words spoken! She was released from the hospital and home a short while when she developed a blood clot in her leg, so back into the hospital she went. She has since been released once again and is home. Please keep her in prayer as the clot has not dissolved yet. Her final request was for me to share that she thinks the Docs at CHRIAS ROCK, big time! She said they have saved her life a second time and is extremely grateful! So those of you facing surgery, know that your docs are excellent, and are quite capable of taking care of the curve balls sent their way! That truly is the hallmark of a skilled surgeon. Rest assured that our docs on the ball!!! How fortunate we all are!
Also, if you care to send your love via this post or in a personal email to me, I will gladly relay the message back to her or if it is in this post, perhaps her computer will be nice and let her at least lurk and read the love.
Take care everyone ...
BTW TINA - I have not been online much lately and only hopped on for a minute the other day and got off immediately when I saw that Gigee was in the hospital. I am so sorry to hear about your little stint in the hospital. I didn't know anything about it until Dianne said something to me when we talked. I came here and read your post immediately. Goodness girl ... so glad you listened to your body. Please call me when you are up and about and feel up to talking.
Congrats to all the new post-ops!
Thanks for the update on Dianne.
I hope and pray each day that she will feel better and better. She is too sweet to be sick!
Please tell her Ms. Kitty/aka Lisa (her hospital buddy who had WL surgery at the same time as her) sends a great big HELLO! I will email her directly, in a while, when I see she is posting again (which would mean her PC is back up).
THANKS again!
Kit (Lisa)

Yee Hah! I am glad to hear (from you!) that you are doing OK!!!
Take care sweetie and make sure to get all the pampering you need, and of course, follow the doctor's orders! I'm sure you'll be back to your wonderful self soon. I can already tell your sense of humor is doing just fine.
Don't stress about answering my emails; we can catch up when you are totally better. Just post here from time to time to keep us all updated on how you are doing!

hey lady,
Please relay to Dianne my best wishes for a speedy recovery. I'm sorry she had endured so much. As for me, I'm doing fine. Thanks!
BTW.. can you let Dianne know that Elissa has been away for a few weeks and doesn't return until May 6th? E said that Dianne had left her a phone message, so she wants her to know she's away.
Hope all is well with you. Drop me a note and update me on what's going on in your life.
Thanks bunches, everyone! I am at the library with my son right now so I popped on line while here. I am going to post a new post after this to reiterate what Tammy so elegantly posted for me (you're so sweet, Tam--my little Hallmark card). I've missed you all on line so much. Tina, glad you are doing well. I was able to read your post about checking out any pains, and I was shouting at my computer in agreement, but not able to get it to post. I figured E was away, hope she's having a blast (actually, I know she is having a blast). Gigee, I've been thinking about you, too. Feelin' the prayers, Val - thanx. Thanks to everyone.
On the mend...